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Title: Model simulasi manajemen krisis perusahaan agroindustri
A design model of crisis management simulation in an agroindustry enterprise.
Authors: Jamaran, Irawadi
Mangunwidjaja, Djumali
Aman, Amril
Kuhon, Albert P.
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: In the industry, crisis is often defined as a sudden big trouble threatening the achievement of the organization’s central goals- profits, growth and survival, or endangers its reputation. This research aims to develop a crisis management model for agroindustry using an integrated expert system or knowledge based system, economics analysis and fuzzy logic. The model, CrismanSoft (crises management software), detects impacts and probabilities of internal crises, provides early warnings and recommendations to solve the crises. This research is limited to the core crises within the agroindustry companies which related to the exploitation to change risks into profits. Core crises include the crisis caused by labor strikes, permits revocation, and shortages of raw materials, which happen because of technological failures, confrontation or conflicts, malevolence or terror, managerial failures and other threats to the company. The scope of this research is internal crises in an agroindustry caused by raw material and product, technological, social or financial failures.
Dalam dunia perusahaan atau industri, krisis seringkali diartikan sebagai peristiwa mendadak yang mengakibatkan atau dapat mengundang keruntuhan reputasi dan melumpuhkan peluang perusahaan dalam pertumbuhan, memperoleh keuntungan, atau bahkan bertahan (profits, growth and survival). Penelitian ini bertujuan merekayasa dan menyusun model manajemen krisis dalam perusahaan agroindustri menggunakan akuisisi pengetahuan pakar dan teknik-teknik pengambilan keputusan berbasis logika fuzzy dan analisis ekonomi. Model simulasi yang dihasilkan merupakan piranti yang dapat menyajikan peringatan dini dan dampak maupun peluang krisis internal perusahaan agroindustri dan menyuguhkan alternatif solusi bagi krisis tersebut.
Appears in Collections:DT - Agriculture Technology

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