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dc.contributor.authorIsnafia, I.
dc.contributor.authorHermanianto, J.
dc.contributor.authorRatih, R.
dc.description.abstractFermented sausage is one type of meat product which can be applicated in a tropical climate IUce Indonesia. The use of many starter cultures liJce lactic acid bacterial and nitrite reduction microbial can help fermentation process and can improve quality product. The pwpose of this research was to make dIy starter culture with combination of lactic add bacterial1iJce LactolnlcillllS plantanmr, Lactobacillus breois and LactobacillllS casei and nitrite reduction microbiallUce Micrococcus varians and study its suitability as starter culture for fermented sausage, this have been done by observing the changes in the microbiology and organoleptic test of the product. The result of mainly research in the microbiology quality .howed that total bacteria and total lactic add bacteria count increased sharply in the beginning and after reaching a maximum continued to lower until the end of the fermentation. Yeast and mould decreased to lOS CPU!g at the end of product. Enterobacteriaceae could reduced from 10' eFU!g until100-1()2 CPU!s. Staphylococcus found at 11)l.10' CPU!g E.coli and Salmonellae had not been found at the end of product. Organoleptic test showed that the fermented sausage wich added starter cultures LactobacillllS plantarum, LactobacillllS brevis and Lactobacillus varians was the best of the product. Key word: dried starter culture, microbiology quality and fermented sausagesid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengaruh Aplikasi Kultur Kering dengan Beberapa Kombinasi Mikroba terhadap Mutu Mikrobiologis Sosis Fermentasiid
Appears in Collections:Animal Production Technology

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