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Title: Pemanfaatan Bioteknologi untuk Menunjang Pembangunan Perkebunan
Other Titles: Prosiding Seminar Bioteknologi Perkebunan dan Lokakarya Biopolimer untuk Industri
Authors: Wardojo, S.
Tahardi, J.S.
Issue Date: 1991
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
Abstract: The role of the estate subsector in achieving national earnings and the increasingly stiff competition between countries producing similar primary commodities are elaborated herein. In order to promote plantation development, IPARD had taken the initiative of developing research covering both fundamental and applied aspects of biotechnology a few years ago. The important problems which are related to pre harvest technologies such as propagation, breeding, efficient N fertilization, biopesticide and to post-harvest technologies such as waste management, aroma development and quality improvement are briefly discussed. Similarly, solving of these problems through cell and tissue culture bioconversion and fermentation is discussed. Development of manpower, provision of infrastructure, funding and collaboration between RIECrs and state/private organizations constitute a determinant factor in achieving a steady plantation development.
Appears in Collections:Proceedings

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