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Title: Sistem Pelabuhan Perikanan di Wilayah Perairan Laut Cina Selatan
Authors: Lubis, Ernani
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: IPB (Bogor Agriculture University)
Abstract: The available secondary data showed that only 12% or 94,781 tons out of the total (780,844 tons) seajlshery production in the tenitodul worm of Malacca Strait and South China Sea in 1995 were disembarked at theirjlshing ports (FPs) and Jish landing places (FLPs). Eighty pernew out of 10 FLPs and FPs located at the two tem'torkrl waters has not finctioned properly, and the remainder has firnctioned only to a IimUed extent. The objectives of this work wen: ( I ) to study the basic description of sample FPs and FLPs in the territorial water ojSoulh China Sea, and (2) lojind OW the roof ojpmbIems associated wUh FPs/FtPs in thor tewitodul water and to jonnulate an alternative solution for FP and FLP development. This study was condu~tedu sing a survey method by applying tryptique portwire analysis: arritre pays tewlstre/hinlerland, avant pays marftime/foreIand and port de p&he/jlshing port. Based on the tryptique portuaire analpis, two systems ofplhing ports could be adapted to solve the problems of the FPs and FLA in the South China Sea and to prevent illegal sales in the middle of the sea bya connecting the markel sires andplhing ground. T h e m system of FP/FLP development is based on the fact that the position firhing ground to its jlshing market is more advantageous that that of the fishing ground to thejbhing port. The secondsystem is based on the fact that the position of Fhing ground to the plhing port is more advantageous than that of the plhing ground Us plhing market. To implement the first system, it is necessary to build new FPs/FLPr between thejbhing ground and the plhing market to control the pmdution a d fees. In the second system the passed by FPs/FtPs should bs provided with necessary facilities, their capacUics should be adjusted, and jlsh nanufacMng industries should be developed Both systems are intended to increase ellickncy and effectiveness of all FPIFPL aclivilias so as to bring bebcnejlts and properiry to jlshennen as well as to the managemel.
Appears in Collections:Fishery Resources Utilization

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