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Title: Phytoremediasi Greywater dengan Tanaman Kayu Apu (Pistia stratiotes) dan Tanaman Kiambang (Salvinia molesta) serta Pemanfaatannya untuk Tanaman Selada
Authors: Safitri, Ratih
Keywords: waste
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)
Abstract: Waste are residue from certain efforts of human activities in solid, liquid or gas form and have less economical value. Liquid waste often dispose to sewage water so it could decrease water quality. Domestic waste known as prominant contaminant of water environments. Usage water for domestic requirement is much higher than industrial where organic contents in domestic waste is basicly “biodegradable”. Domestic wastewater is devided into blackwater and greywater. Blackwater is waste from toilets, faecal matter including industrial product, whereas greywater is none industrial wastewater generated from domestic processes such as bathing, dishing and kitchen washing. These research particularly focuse on greywater (bath waste) because it much easy to treat and recycle than blackwater, due to lower levels of contaminant. The aim of the research were to find out the most effective treatment using phytoremediation approach with Pistia and Salvinia and to study the influence of treatment on lettuce growth. The research consists of initial the research and main research. The initial research begin with determined waste concentration and biomass water plant used, while main managed greywater with circulation system using remediation vessel and water plant as phytoremediator. These research were designed according to Complete Randomized Factorial Experimental Design (SK = 95%) with two factors including remediation vessel (B1 and B2) and water plant (Control, Pistia and Salvinia), which every treatment were repeated for three times. The research result showed chemical characteristic that is Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) were exceed standard quality of level waste. COD level significantly decrease (P<0,05) at 0 and 1 weeks after planting tend (WAP) by water plant treatment, while COD level at 3 WAP significantly decrease by remediation vessel. Phosphorus level significantly decrease at 0, 2 and 3 WAP by remediation vessel, while nitrate level significantly decrease at 1 WAP by water plant treatment, remediation vessel and both of combination. Pistia treatment more effective than Salvinia to recycling water quality. Phosphorous and nitrate level content in effluent 1 were low than nutrient requirement for normal lettuce growth on hydroponic system. Deficiency element nutrient for lettuce make it low weight of harvested and has caused died level of lettuce at the research were approximately 32%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Soil Science and Land Resources

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