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dc.contributor.authorDwiriani, Cesilia M.
dc.contributor.authorDamanik, Muhammad Rizal Martua
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this stzrdy is to ana[yze family's income mid food .~~rfficiency level. The total samples of 180 families were randomly selected, where 115 samples were the participant and 65 samples were non-participant families of PDM-DKE program in Bogor. The sfzcdy was conducted in four-district areas (kelurahan) in Bogor City (kotama@a). Data analysis consists of descriptive and inferential statistics, such as hiann mibreyfir drgerence 's test and Rank Spearman for correlation test. The results showed that family's income and food ~UfJicieticyle vel were not signrficantly diferent between the two groups. The average income of participant families was Rp105.700 and the average income of non-participant families wcrs Rp104.400. The s@ciency level of vitamin A at non-participant families is considered dej?cienf (<50% AKG) in average, while at participant families is not considered deficient r>50%). The size of the family is negatively correlated with food sufficiency level of the two group sample families, while family's income is positively correlated with f d suflciency level of the participant families. Housewives educational level and nutrition howledge was tent to effect the food sufficiency level of the sample families. Keyworh: food suficientcy, incomeid
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.titlePendapatan Dan Konsumsi Pangan Keluarga Peserta Dan Bukan Peserta Program Pdm-Dke Di Kotamadya Bogor, Jawa Barat Tahun Anggaran 1998/1999id
dc.title.alternativeThe Income and Food Sufficiency Level of Participant and Non Participant Families of PDM-DKE Program In Bogor, West Java 1 9981 1999id
Appears in Collections:Community Nutrition

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