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Title: Optimasi Perbandingan Molase dan Limbah Kecap Cair pada Pembuatan Bioetanol di PT Energi Agro Nusantara
Other Titles: Optimizing the Comparison of Molasses and Liquid Soy Sauce Waste in Bioethanol Production at PT Energi Agro Nusantara
Authors: Putra, Budi Riza
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Bioetanol merupakan etanol yang dibuat dari biomassa yang mengan dung gula, pati, atau selulosa dan berfungsi sebagai bahan bakar alternatif ramah lingkungan. Pengukuran kadar bioetanol dapat dilakukan salah satunya menggunakan densitometer. Parameter yang digunakan untu k pengujian bahan baku yaitu gula terfermentasi, gula total, kea saman volatil, pH, indeks bias, dan gravitasi spesifik. Fermentasi dilakukan dengan bantuan mikroorganisme Saccharomyces cerevisiae selama 48 jam dengan pengukuran kadar pada periode 12-48 jam. Hasil fermentasi juga harus dilakukan pengujian deng an beberapa parameter, yaitu pH, gravitasi spesifik, total ragi, viabilitas, gula residu, dan kadar etanol. Durasi fermentasi menunjukkan bahwa nilai pH, gravitasi spesifik, dan gula residu semakin lama akan semakin menurun, dikarenakan kadar gula yang semakin habis selama proses fermentasi. Namun, parameter total ragi dan kadar etanol akan semakin meningkat seiring dengan lamanya waktu fermentasi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi berjalan optimal. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan selama 4 8 jam diperoleh kadar bioetanol sebesar 15,87% pada formulasi molasses:limbah kecap cair dengan rasio 1:3.
Bioethanol is ethanol made from biomass contain ing sugar, starch or cellulose and functions as an environmentally friendly alternative fuel. One way to measure bioethanol levels can be done using a densitometer. The parameters used for testing raw materials are fermented sugar test, total sugar, volatile acidity, pH, refractive index, and specific gravity. Fermentation was carried out with the help of the microorganism Saccharomyces cerevisiae for 48 hours with levels measured in the 12-48 hour period. The fermentation results must also be tested using several parameters, namely pH, specific gravity, total yeast, viability, residual sugar, and ethanol content. The duration of fermentation shows that the pH value, specific gravity, and residual sugar will decrease over time, due to the increasingly depleted sugar content during the fermentation process. However, the total yeast parameter s and ethanol content will increase with the length of fermentation time. This shows that fermentation is running optimally. Based on research conducted for 48 hours, the bioethanol content was obtained at 15.87% in the molasses:liquid soy sauce waste formulation with a ratio of 1:3.
Appears in Collections:UT - Chemistry Analysis

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