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Title: Karakterisasi dan Evaluasi Keragaan Sebelas Genotipe Cabai Super Pedas di dalam Rumah Kaca (Capsicum chinense Jacq.)
Other Titles: Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Eleven Super Spicy Chili Genotypes in the Greenhouse (Capsicum chinense Jacq.)
Authors: Syukur, Muhamad
Istiqlal, Muhammad Ridha Alfarabi
Fuaddi, Habibul
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Cabai super pedas (Capsicum chinense Jaqc.) merupakan tumbuhan dari keluarga Solanaceae yang dikenal dengan buahnya yang pedas dan memiliki beragam varietas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi keragaan karakter kuantitatif dan karakter kualitatif sebelas genotipe cabai super pedas yang memiliki daya hasil yang optimal. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2023 hingga bulan Juli 2024, di Rumah kaca yang berlokasi di Kebun Percobaan CV. Benih Dramaga, Kecamatan Dramaga, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak (RKLT) dengan satu faktor dan tiga ulangan. Varietas pembanding yang digunakan adalah Carolina reaper, Habanero Fransisca, Katokkon, dan Red Bhut Jolokia. Jumlah genotipe uji terdiri dari tiga genotipe hibrida dan empat genotipe non hibrida. Genotipe cabai super pedas berpengaruh nyata pada seluruh karakter pengamatan kecuali panjang daun, diameter buah, persentase tanaman hidup, dan persentase tanaman menghasilkan. Rataan keseluruhan genotipe hibrida (F1.383388, F1.383382, dan F1.383385) memiliki keunggulan lebih tinggi yaitu pada karakter persentase tanaman hidup (100%), persentase tanaman menghasilkan (75%), umur berbunga (52,44 HST), daya simpan buah (12,33 HSP), tinggi tanaman (87,60 cm), tinggi dikotomus (23,10 cm), diameter batang (1,04 cm), panjang buah (4,40 cm), diameter buah (3,32 cm), tebal daging buah (0,21 cm), bobot per buah (8,30 g), jumlah buah per tanaman (24,20 buah), produktivitas tanaman (151,27 g/tanaman), dan potensi hasil (206, 16 g), daripada genotipe non hibrida. Hasil analisis korelasi antar karakter kuantitatif yang diperoleh menyatakan bahwa, semakin tinggi nilai panjang tangkai daun, panjang buah, bobot 1000 biji, serta diameter buah, akan menghasilkan nilai bobot per buah yang lebih besar. Semakin tinggi nilai bobot per buah, akan memberikan peluang menghasilkan tanaman cabai dengan produktivitas dan potensi hasil yang lebih tinggi.
Super hot chillies (Capsicum chinense Jaqc.) is a plant from the Solanaceae family known for its spicy fruit and has a variety of varieties. This study aims to evaluate the performance of quantitative and qualitative characters of eleven super spicy chilli genotypes that have optimal yield power. This research was conducted from November 2023 to July 2024, in a greenhouse located at the Experimental Farm of CV. Benih Dramaga, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency, West Java. The study used a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with one factor and three replications. The comparison varieties were Carolina Reaper, Habanero Fransisca, Katokkon, and Red Bhut Jolokia. The tested genotypes consisted of three hybrid genotypes and four non-hybrid genotypes. Super hot chilli genotypes significantly influenced all observation characters except leaf length, fruit diameter, percentage of living plants, and percentage of producing plants. The overall average of hybrid genotypes (F1.383388, F1.383382, and F1.383385) had a higher advantage, namely in the character of the percentage of living plants (100%), percentage of producing plants (75%), flowering age (52.44 HST), fruit storability (12.33 HSP), plant height (87.60 cm), dichotomous height (23.10 cm), stem diameter (1.04 cm), fruit length (4.40 cm), fruit diameter (3.32 cm), fruit flesh thickness (0.21 cm), weight per fruit (8.30 g), number of fruits per plant (24.20 fruits), fruit weight per plant (151.27 g/plant), plant productivity (151.27 g/plant), and yield potential (206.16 g), than non-hybrid genotypes. The results of the correlation analysis among quantitative characters showed that, higher values for leaf stalk length, fruit length, 1000-seed weight, and fruit diameter would result in a higher weight per fruit. Thus, the higher weight per fruit would provide a chance to produce plant with higher productivity and yield potential.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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