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Title: Pemanfaatan Limbah Darah dan Bulu Ayam RPA (Rumah Potong Ayam) menjadi Pupuk Organik
Other Titles: Utilization of RPA (Chicken Slaughterhouse) Chicken Blood and Feather Waste into Organic Fertilizer
Authors: Wahdi, Emil
Robbani, Asyiyati Amila
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Limbah darah dan bulu ayam dari RPA (rumah potong ayam) memiliki kandungan hara yang dibutuhkan tanaman diantaranya nitrogen, fosfor dan kalium. Limbah darah dan bulu ayam memiliki potensi pemanfaatan menjadi pupuk organik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk membuat pupuk organik dari limbah darah dan bulu ayam (Pudar) serta menganalisis kandungan N, P, K, C-organik dan Fe dari pupuk organik tersebut pada variasi komposisi darah dan bulu ayam. Pembuatan pupuk dilakukan dengan pencampuran basah antara darah dan hidrolisat bulu. Variasi komposisi pada perlakuan penelitian dibuat empat perlakuan diantaranya Pudar-A dengan komposisi 800 ml darah: 200 ml hidrolisat bulu: 100 g serbuk kayu, Pudar-B dengan komposisi 600 ml darah: 400 ml hidrolisat bulu: 100 g serbuk kayu, Pudar-C dengan komposisi 400 ml darah: 600 ml hidrolisat bulu: 100 g serbuk kayu, Pudar-D dengan komposisi 200 ml darah: 800 ml hidrolisat bulu: 100 g serbuk kayu. Hasil uji laboratorium menunjukkan pupuk memiliki kandungan unsur hara N, K, Fe dan C-organik yang telah sesuai dengan SNI 7763:2018 kecuali kadar P yang nilainya masih di bawah 2%. Hasil uji laboratorium menunjukkan rata-rata kandungan hara tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan Pudar-A dengan kadar C-organik 54,50%, nitrogen 5,81%, fosfor 0,85%, dan kadar zat besi terendah yaitu 100,67 mg/kg.
Chicken slaughterhouse waste, including blood and feathers, contains nutrients needed by plants, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Blood and feather waste have the potential to be utilized as organic fertilizer. This research aims to create organic fertilizer from blood and feather waste (Pudar) and analyze the content of N, P, K, C-organic and Fe, in the organic fertilizer based on different compositions of blood and feathers. The fertilizer is produced by wet mixing blood with feather hydrolysate. The composition variations in the study are as follows, Pudar-A consists of 800 ml blood; 200 ml feather hydrolysate; 100 g of wood powder, Pudar-B consists of 600 ml blood; 400 ml feather hydrolysate; 100 g of wood powder, Pudar-C consists of 400 ml blood; 600 ml feather hydrolysate; 100 g of wood powder, Pudar-D consists of 200 ml blood; 800 ml feather hydrolysate; 100 g of wood powder. Laboratory tests show that Pudar contains N, K, Fe, and Corganic in accordance with the SNI 7763:2018 standard, except for the phosphorus content, which is still below 2%. The laboratory results also show that the highest nutrient content is found in the Pudar-A treatment, with 54.50% organic carbon, 5.81% nitrogen, 0.85% phosphorus, and the lowest iron content of 100.67 mg/kg.
Appears in Collections:UT - Environmental Engineering and Management

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