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Title: Perencanaan Ekowisata Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus) di Taman Nasional Baluran Jawa Timur
Other Titles: Javan Langur Ecotourism Planning (Trachypithecus auratus) in Baluran National Park East Java
Authors: Arief, Harnios
Kurnia, Insan
Ramadhan, Rafi Zimat
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Lutung memiliki keunikan dari segi perilaku, morfologi dan struktur sosialnya, lutung jawa merupakan satwa yang persebaran nya hanya terdapat di pulau Jawa Bali dan Lombok,Penelitian perencanaan ekowisata lutung jawa diharapkan menjadi kegiatan yang memberikan dampak bagi konservasi lingkungan, peningkatan ekonomi dan sosial masyarakat Taman Nasional Baluran.Jenis data yang diambil yaitu aktivitas, habitat, wilayah jelajah, persebaran, dan respon lutung jawa terhadap suara. Metode yang dipakai yakni menggunakan metode focal animal sampling, garis berpetak, minimum convex polygon, RAL dan cruise method.Penelitian dilaksanakan di Resort Bama di ekosistem savana, hutan pantai, dan evergreen. Aktivitas harian yang paling dominan dilakukan adalah aktivitas istirahat 46-50%, jenis tumbuhan yang paling dominan pada habitat areal pohon tidur lutung jawa adalah pohon asem (Tamarindus indica). Luas dugaan wilayah jelajah kelompok lutung jawa yaitu 8,07 -12.30 ha. Persebaran lutung jawa terdapat 5 kelompok yang tersebar di habitat hutan pantai (3 kelompok) Savana (1 kelompok) dan hutan evergreen (1 kelompok). Respon lutung jawa terhadap suara tidak menimbulkan respon hasil pegamatan f hit lebih kecil daripada f tabel. Luaran yang disusun yaitu program ekowisata lutung jawa, website, dan video promosi.
Langurs have unique behavior, morphology and social structure, Javan langurs are animals whose distribution is only found on the islands of Java, Bali and Lombok, Research on planning ecotourism of Javan langurs is expected to be an activity that has an impact on environmental conservation, economic and social improvement of the Baluran National Park community. The types of data taken are activities, habitats, roaming areas, distribution, and responses of Javan langurs to sound. The methods used are using the focal animal sampling method, grid lines, minimum convex polygons, RAL and cruise methods. The research was conducted at the Bama Resort in the savanna, coastal forest, and evergreen ecosystems. The most dominant daily activity is resting activities 46-50%, the most dominant type of plant in the habitat of the sleeping tree area of Javan langurs is the tamarind tree (Tamarindus indica). The estimated area of the roaming area of the Javan langur group is 8.07 -12.30 ha. The distribution of Javan langurs consists of 5 groups spread across the coastal forest habitat (3 groups), Savanna (1 group) and Evergreen Forest (1 group). The response of Javan langurs to sound did not cause a response, the observation results f hit was smaller than f table. The outputs compiled were the Javan langur ecotourism program, website, and promotional video.
Appears in Collections:UT - Ecotourism

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