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Title: Perencanaan Ekowisata Burung di Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Baung Kabupaten Pasuruan Provinsi Jawa Timur
Other Titles: Bird Ecotourism Planning in the Mount Baung Natural Tourism Park, Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province
Authors: Kurnia, Insan
Patabang, Melewanto
Muzoffar, Ferdi
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Burung memiliki banyak manfaat bagi manusia baik berupa nilai budaya, ekologis, ekonomi dan pengetahuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sumberdaya ekowisata burung yang terdapat di kawasan Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Baung (TWAGB) Kabupaten Pasuruan Provinsi Jawa Timur pada bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2023. Objek yang diamati yaitu burung beserta habitatnya. Jenis data yang diambil dalam penelitian yaitu sumberdaya burung berupa data burung dan habitat serta persepsi dan preferensi birdwatcher untuk rencana penyusunan kegiatan ekowisata burung. Metode yang dipakai yakni menggunakan metode Index Point of Abundance (IPA) dan metode daftar jenis burung Mackinnon. Penelitian dilaksanakan di habitat hutan alami rapat, hutan bambu, hutan semi terbuka, sawah, kebun, dan permukiman. Jumlah burung yang ditemukan yaitu 30 jenis dari 11 ordo. Habitat yang memiliki keanekaragaman jenis paling tinggi yaitu hutan semi terbuka dengan nilai indeks keanekaragaman 2.69. Jenis paling banyak dijumpai pada seluruh habitat yakni Bondol Jawa (Lonchura leucogastroides) dengan jumlah 70 individu. Persepsi dan preferensi birdwatcher terhadap kegiatan ekowisata burung di kawasan TWAGB memberikan dukungan terhadap rancangan program yang disusun. Luaran yang disusun yaitu program ekowisata burung, buku panduan lapang, dan media promosi berupa video promosi.
Birds have many benefits for humans in the form of cultural, ecological, economic and knowledge values. This study aims to analyze bird ecotourism resources in the Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Baung (TWAGB) area of Pasuruan Regency, East Java Province from October to December 2023. The objects observed were birds and their habitats. The types of data taken in the study were bird resources in the form of bird and habitat data as well as birdwatcher perceptions and preferences for planning bird ecotourism activities. The method used was the Index Point of Abundance (IPA) method and the Mackinnon bird species list method. The study was conducted in dense natural forest habitats, bamboo forests, semi-open forests, rice fields, gardens, and settlements. The number of birds found was 30 species from 11 orders. The habitat with the highest species diversity was the semi-open forest with a diversity index value of 2.69. The most common species found in all habitats was the Javan Bondol (Lonchura leucogastroides) with a total of 70 individuals. Birdwatcher perceptions and preferences towards bird ecotourism activities in the TWAGB area provide support for the design of the program to be prepared. The outputs prepared are bird ecotourism programs, field guide books, and promotional media in the form of promotional videos.
Appears in Collections:UT - Ecotourism

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