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Title: Kebutuhan Bahan Baku Ikan pada Industri Pengasinan Tradisional di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Karangantu
Other Titles: The Demand of Fish Raw Material in the Traditional Fish Salting Industry at the Fishing Port of Karangantu
Authors: Nugroho, Thomas
Puspito, Gondo
Azzahra, Noor Afifah
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Informasi mengenai ketersediaan bahan baku ikan di PPN Karangantu penting diketahui untuk pengembangan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan usaha pengasinan ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kebutuhan bahan baku ikan pada industri pengasinan ikan di PPN Karangantu, mengidentifikasi sumber pemenuhan bahan baku ikan, menghitung keuntungan serta kelayakan usaha dari industri pengasinan ikan. Metode pengambilan sampel responden menggunakan sensus kepada seluruh pemilik pengasinan melalui wawancara langsung didapatkan jumlah pengusaha pengasinan di Desa Banten sebanyak 10 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebutuhan bahan baku ikan untuk pengasinan ikan sebesar 151 ton/bulan dan kebutuhan yang terpenuhi hanya sebesar 60 ton/bulan. Asal sumber pemenuhan bahan baku ikan untuk pengolahan berasal dari 3 sumber yaitu TPI PPN Karangantu, tangkahan diluar Pelabuhan, dan pabrik ikan beku di luar Karangantu. Menurut perhitungan, usaha pengasinan ikan memiliki potensi yang menguntungkan serta layak untuk dilanjutkan.
Information about the availability of fish raw materials at Karangantu Fishing Port is important to know for the development and fulfillment of fish salting business needs. This research aims to identify the need for fish raw materials in the fish salting industry in Karangantu Fishing Port, identify sources of fulfillment of fish raw materials, calculate the profit and business feasibility of the fish salting industry. profit and business feasibility of the fish salting industry. Method of sampling respondents using a census to all salting owners through direct interviews. The number of salting entrepreneurs in Banten Village is 10 people. The results showed that the need for fish raw materials for salting fish amounted to 151 tons/month and the needs that were met and the needs met are only 60 tons/month. tons/month. The source of fulfillment of fish raw materials for processing comes from 3 sources, Karangantu Fishing Port fish auction site, anchorage outside the port, and frozen fish factory outside Karangantu. According to the calculation, the business of According to calculations, the fish salting business has the potential to be profitable and feasible to continue.
Appears in Collections:UT - Fisheries Resource Utilization

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