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Title: Rancang Bangun Model Pengembangan Kompetensi Digital Aparatur Sipil Negara di Lingkungan Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang/Badan Pertanahan Nasional
Other Titles: Design and Development Model for Digital Competency Development of State Civil Apparatus within the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency
Authors: Ma'arif, Mohamad Syamsul
Zulbainarni, Nimmi
Hasanah, Nur
Mullianto, Heri
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pemerintah mencanangkan Pemerintahan Digital Melayani (Dilan) melalui reformasi pelayanan publik dengan memanfaatkan sistem elektronik, penyederhanaan kelembagaan, reformasi tata kelola dan peningkatan kualitas SDM aparatur negara. Menurut Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Sipil Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi, Pemerintah perlu melakukan pergeseran kompetensi SDM aparatur negara menuju kompetensi digital, kompetensi kepemimpinan digital dan kompetensi budaya digital. Secara empiris, hasil audit pelaksanaan Transformasi Digital Kementerian ATR/BPN menunjukkan pentingnya kompetensi digital untuk meminimalisir kesalahan pada layanan elektronik. Laporan Ombudsman RI Tahun 2020 mendefinisikan dua aspek kunci dalam isu pertanahan yaitu isu sistemik dan analisis sistem atau by system dan yang kedua berkaitan dengan masalah individu atau by oknum. Evaluasi pelaksanaan Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik (SPBE) Tahun 2022 juga merekomendasikan Kementerian ATR/BPN untuk melakukan peningkatan kompetensi ASN penyelenggara SPBE. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran kompetensi digital (digital competence), kepemimpinan digital (digital leadership), budaya digital (digital culture) dan transformasi digital terhadap kinerja organisasi Kementerian ATR/BPN; memformulasikan strategi prioritas pengembangan kompetensi digital ASN pada Kementerian ATR/BPN; merumuskan rancang bangun model pengembangan kompetensi digital ASN Kementerian ATR/BPN dan; 4) merumuskan model adopsi pengembangan kompetensi digital ASN Kementerian ATR/BPN. Metoda yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Structural Equation Modelling, Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process dan Interpretative Structural Modelling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuisioner, wawancara dan Focus Group Discussion. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi digital memiliki pengaruh terhadap pemabngunan budaya digital pada Kementerian ATR/BPN, sedangkan budaya digital adalah faktor yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kinerja organisasi. Strategi penguatan kebijakan transformasi digital harus diprioritaskan pada terwujudnya sistem pengembangan kompetensi digital. Hal ini dapat diselenggarakan melalui peningkatan kompetensi digital bagi para ASN, khususnya Kepala Kantor Wilayah dan Kepala Kantor Pertanahan. Lebih jauh, Kementerian ATR/BPN harus meningkatkan kolaborasi dengan Kementerian PAN-RB dan membentuk gugus tugas yang akan memonitor serta mengevaluasi kebutuhan pengembangan kompetensi bagi pelaksanaan sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik.
The government has launched a Serving Digital Government through public services by utilizing electronic systems, simplifying institutions, reforming governance and reforming the quality of human resources in state apparatus. According to the Minister for Empowerment of State Civil Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform, the Government needs to change the HR competence of state apparatus towards digital competence, digital leadership competence and digital cultural competence. Empirically, the results of the audit of the implementation of the ATR/BPN Ministry's Digital Transformation show the importance of digital competence to minimize errors in electronic services. The 2020 Indonesian Ombudsman Report defines two key aspects in land issues, namely systemic issues and system analysis or by system and the second is related to individual or individual issues. The evaluation of the implementation of the Electronic Based Government System (SPBE) in 2022 also recommends that the ATR/BPN Ministry improve the competency of ASNs administering SPBE. This research aims to analyze the role of digital competence, digital leadership, digital culture and digital transformation on the organizational performance of the Ministry of ATR/BPN; formulate a priority strategy for developing ASN digital competency at the Ministry of ATR/BPN; formulate a design and development model for ASN digital competency for the Ministry of ATR/BPN and; 4) formulate a model for adopting digital competency development for ASN Ministry of ATR/BPN. The methods used in this research are Structural Equation Modeling, Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process and Interpretative Structural Modeling. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires, interviews and Focus Group Discussions. The research results show that digital competence has an influence on developing digital culture at the Ministry of ATR/BPN, while digital culture is a factor that has a big influence on improving organizational performance. The strategy to strengthen digital transformation policies must prioritize the realization of a digital competency development system. This can be done through increasing digital competency for ASNs, especially Heads of Regional Offices and Heads of Land Offices. Furthermore, the Ministry of ATR/BPN must increase collaboration with the Ministry of PAN-RB and form a task force that will monitor and evaluate the need for competency development for the implementation of electronic-based government systems.
Appears in Collections:DT - Magister Business

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