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Title: Model Matematika Pengaruh Pestisida terhadap Penyebaran Nilaparvata lugens pada Populasi Dua Pemangsa dan Satu Mangsa Terinfeksi
Other Titles: Mathematical Model of the Effect of Pesticides on the Spread of Nilaparvata lugens within Populations of Two Predators and One Infected Prey
Authors: Kusnanto, Ali
Sianturi, Paian
Herlambang, Karen
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Dalam tulisan ini dianalisis model dua pemangsa dan satu mangsa terinfeksi dengan pengaruh pestisida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pestisida terhadap dinamika kedua populasi tersebut. Langkah yang dilakukan adalah mereformulasi model, menentukan titik tetap dan sifat kestabilannya, serta melakukan simulasi numerik terhadap model. Interaksi antara mangsa dan pemangsa diformulasikan menggunakan fungsi respons Holling tipe II. Pertumbuhan mangsa dan pemangsa dirumuskan menggunakan fungsi logistik. Model yang diteliti memiliki sepuluh titik tetap dengan sifat kestabilannya bergantung pada pemilihan nilai parameter. Simulasi numerik dilakukan dengan bantuan software Mathematica dengan melakukan perubahan terhadap nilai parameter, yakni laju kematian akibat pestisida. Jika laju kematian akibat pestisida makin besar, maka kedua populasi tersebut akan mengalami kepunahan. Ini mengindikasikan bahwa laju kematian akibat pestisida berpengaruh kuat terhadap dinamika populasi keduanya.
This manuscript analyzed a model consisting of two predators and one infected prey with the effect of pesticide. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of pesticides on both predators and prey populations. The steps taken were to reformulate the model, determine the fixed points and their stability properties, and perform numerical simulations of the model. Interactions between prey and predators populations were modelled using the Holling type II response function. The growth of prey and predators were formulated using a logistic function. The model studied had ten fixed points, where the stability depending on certain parameter values. Numerical simulations were carried out using software Mathematica by making changes on the death rate parameter values related to pesticide uses. It was found that if the death rate due to pesticides increases, both of the populations will become extinct. This concluded that the rate of death due to pesticides had a major effect on prey-predators population dynamics.
Appears in Collections:UT - Mathematics

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