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Title: Pengujian Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Undis dan Jahe Emprit sebagai Penurun Glukosa Darah pada Tikus Percobaan
Other Titles: Testing the Combination of Pigeon Pea Leaves Extract and Emprit Ginger Extract in Lowering Blood Glucose on Experimental Rats
Authors: Wresdiyati, Tutik
Subangkit, Mawar
Abidah, Puri Adzrok
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pengembangan obat antidiabetes herbal semakin dilakukan seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penderita diabetes melitus di dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji dan menganalisis efek hipoglikemik pada berbagai kombinasi perbandingan dosis ekstrak terstandar dari daun undis (Cajanus cajan) dan jahe emprit (Zingiber officinale var. Amarum) pada tikus percobaan. Pembuatan ekstrak terstandar daun undis dan jahe emprit menggunakan metode maserasi. Efek hipoglikemik diuji menggunakan metode oral glucose tolerant test (OGTT) dengan pemberian larutan sukrosa 90% untuk mencapai kondisi hiperglikemia. Sebanyak 45 ekor tikus putih jantan galur Sprague-Dawley dibagi menjadi sembilan kelompok yaitu, kontrol positif, kontrol negatif, kontrol obat glibenklamid, 6 kelompok kombinasi perbandingan ekstrak daun undis dan jahe emprit. Hasil uji OGTT menunjukkan semua kelompok perlakuan memiliki aktivitas hipoglikemik dalam menurunkan kadar glukosa darah tikus percobaan dan berdasarkan perhitungan luas area di bawah kurva, kombinasi ekstrak daun undis 300 mg/kg BB dan ekstrak jahe emprit 150 mg/kg BB menunjukkan efek hipoglikemik yang paling optimum.
The development of herbal antidiabetic drugs is increasingly being pursued in line with rising number of diabetes melitus patients worldwide. This study aims to test and analyze the hypoglycemic effects of various combinations of standardized extract doses from pigeon pea leaves (Cajanus cajan) and emprit ginger (Zingiber officinale var. Amarum) on experimental rats. The standardized extracts of pigeon pea leaves and emprit ginger were made using maceration method. The hypoglycemic effects were tested using the oral glucose tolerant test (OGTT) method with a 90% sucrose solution to induce hyperglycemia. A total of 45 male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into nine groups: positive control, negative control, glibenclamide drug control, and six groups with various combinations of pigeon pea leaves and emprit ginger extract ratios. The results of the OGTT test showed that all treatment groups exhibited hypoglycemic effect in reducing the blood glucose levels of the experimental rats and based on the calculation of the area under the curve, the combination of 300 mg/kg BW pigeon pea leaf extract and 150 mg/kg BW emprit ginger extract showed the most optimal hypoglycemic effect.
Appears in Collections:UT - Anatomy, Phisiology and Pharmacology

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