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Title: Penerapan Teknik Voice Over Dalam Produksi Video Company Profile Di The Jungle Waterpark Bogor
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Authors: Hidayat, Aceng
Rahmawati, Alfi
Pratiwi, Inggit Setyo
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: In the increasingly advanced digital era, the promotion of tourist destinations is an important part of the global marketing strategy. One of the effective tools is the creation of a company profile video. For example, The Jungle Waterpark Bogor in Indonesia is planning to produce a company profile video to increase visibility and attract potential visitors. This project was carried out at The Jungle Waterpark, Bogor Nirwana Residence, with a voice over recording process in the Podcast Room of the Delta Building, Bogor Agricultural University Campus. This video aims to provide a comprehensive overview of The Jungle Waterpark to potential visitors, visitors, and interested businesses. In this video, the beauty and uniqueness of The Jungle Park is professionally displayed, including recreational rides, facilities, and natural scenery. The use of a single voice over ensures that the message is conveyed coherently, creates unity in delivery and highlights the joy and commitment to environmental sustainability.
Di era digital yang semakin maju, promosi destinasi wisata menjadi bagian penting dari strategi pemasaran global. Salah satu alat efektif adalah pembuatan video company profile. Misalnya, The Jungle Waterpark Bogor di Indonesia merencanakan produksi video company profile untuk meningkatkan visibilitas dan menarik pengunjung potensial. Proyek ini dilakukan di The Jungle Waterpark, Bogor Nirwana Residence, dengan proses perekaman voice over di Ruang Podcast Gedung Delta, Kampus Institut Pertanian Bogor. Video ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran menyeluruh tentang The Jungle Waterpark kepada calon pengunjung, pengunjung, serta pihak bisnis yang tertarik. Pada video ini, keindahan dan keunikan The Jungle Park ditampilkan dengan profesional, mencakup wahana rekreasi, fasilitas, dan pemandangan alam. Penggunaan voice over tunggal memastikan pesan disampaikan dengan kohesif, menciptakan kesatuan dalam penyampaian dan menonjolkan kegembiraan serta komitmen terhadap keberlanjutan lingkungan.
Appears in Collections:UT - Digital Communication and Media

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