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dc.contributor.advisorRidwan, Wonny Ahmad-
dc.contributor.authorAndrian, Alfin-
dc.description.abstractWebsite Rumah Kayu Permaculture bertujuan memberikan informasi dan branding kepada konsumen, calon konsumen, serta mitra perusahaan. Pada saat uji coba akses dan penggunaannya terdapat beberapa feedback berupa keluhan dari pengguna. Perusahaan berharap untuk dilakukan pengukuran kepuasan, evaluasi dan perbaikan lebih lanjut guna meningkatkan kualitas website. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji prioritas atribut yang perlu diperbaiki dan dipertahankan dengan menggunakan metode IPA, mengkaji tingkat kepentingan dan kinerja website terhadap kepuasan pengguna dengan metode CSI dan melakukan perbaikan pada website. Analisis IPA menunjukkan atribut di kuadran 1 yang perlu diperhatikan kemudahan komunikasi dengan perusahaan, informasi terbaru, dan akurasi informasi. Hasil analisis CSI menunjukkan nilai 81%, dalam kategori sangat puas. Perbaikan yang diimplementasikan meliputi penambahan fitur kontak langsung dengan perusahaan, kolom Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) di footer, menu navigasi dan halaman baru dengan informasi terbaru mengenai kegiatan di Rumah Kayu Permaculture dan Luckys Farm Organic, serta artikel dengan sumber informasi yang jelas-
dc.description.abstractThe Rumah Kayu Permaculture website has purpose to provide information and branding for customers, potential customers, and business partners. During the trial phase of its access and usage, several user complaints and feedback were received. The company aims to measure satisfaction, conduct evaluations, and make further improvements to enhance the website's quality. This study aims to identify which attributes need to be improved and which should be maintained using the IPA method, evaluate the importance and performance of the website in relation to user satisfaction using the CSI method, and the implement improvements. The IPA analysis highlights that attributes in quadrant 1 such as ease of communication with the company, up to date information, and information accuracy require attention. The CSI analysis shows score of 81%, indicating a high level of satisfaction. Implemented improvements include adding a direct contact feature with the company, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section to the footer, a navigation menu, new pages with latest information about activities at Rumah Kayu Permaculture and Luckys Farm Organic and articles with clear sources of information-
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleImplementasi Perbaikan Kualitas Website Rumah Kayu Permacultureid
dc.title.alternativeImplementation of Website Quality Improvement for the Rumah Kayu Permaculture-
dc.typeTugas Akhir-
dc.subject.keyworduser satisfactionid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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