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Title: Efisiensi Biaya Produksi Benih Kentang melalui Penggunaan Pupuk Kandang dan Vermicompost pada PT Elevasi Agri Indonesia
Other Titles: Production Cost Efficiency of Potato Seed through the Use of Manure and Vermicompost at PT Elevasi Agri Indonesia
Authors: Lidya, Leni
Sofyan, Andreana
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penurunan produksi kentang sebanyal 17% di tahun 2023 disebabkan penurunan luas lahan, di sisi lain konsumsi kentang di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan. Benih kentang merupakan faktor utama dalam meningkatkan produktivitas dan mutu kentang. PT Elevasi Agri Indonesia dengan salah satu unit bisnis produksi benih kentang yang produksi benihnya masih belum memiliki perlakuan yang dapat diterapkan secara berkelanjutan menyebabkan produksi benih kentang belum optimal. Diperlukan uji coba penerapan perlakuan pupuk agar dapat mengetahui hasil produksi terbaik yang dapat terus diterapkan oleh perusahaan. Tujuan dalam penulisan proyek akhir ini adalah mengetahui pupuk yang dapat meningkatkan produksi benih kentang, mengetahui hasil pupuk yang diterapkan pada demplot dan mengetahui hasil perbandingan penerapan pupuk tersebut. Didapatkan pupuk yang dapat meningkatkan produksi benih kentang yaitu pupuk kandang dan pupuk Vermicompost menggunakan demplot dengan total panen sebanyak 704 kg dan hasil panen terbanyak dengan penggunaan pupuk kandang. Analisis finansial terbanyak dengan penggunaan pupuk kandang sebesar Rp 9.789.407 dengan nilai R/C Ratio sebesar 2.66.
Decrease in potato production by 17% in 2023 was caused by a decrease in land area, while potato consumption in Indonesia continues to increase. Potato seeds are the main factor in increasing the productivity and quality of potatoes. PT Elevasi Agri Indonesia is one of the potato seed production units whose seed production still does not have treatment that can be applied continuously, resulting in unoptimal results in potato seed production. A trial application of fertilizer treatment is required to determine the best production results that can be continuously applied by the company. The aim of this final project is to determine a fertilizer that can increase potato seed production, determine the results of fertilizer applied in demonstration plots, and determine the comparative result of applying the fertilizer. Fertilizers that can increase potato seed production results were obtained, which were manure and Vermicompost using a demonstration plot, in which the total harvest was 704kg, and the highest harvest result was by using manure. The largest financial analysis with the use of manure was IDR 9.789.407 with an R/C Ratio value of 2.66.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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