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Title: Pengembangan Bisnis Kerupuk Susu pada Koperasi Peternak Sapi Cianjur Utara
Other Titles: Business Development of Milk Cracker at Koperasi Peternak Sapi Cianjur Utara
Authors: Oktariza, Wawan
Sugiartini, Wahyu Anggun
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: KPS Cianjur Utara menghasilkan susu murni dan susu mengandung antibiotik dari residu pengobatan penyakit penyuntikan pada sapi. Susu mengandung antibiotik diolah menjadi kerupuk susu untuk peningkatan penerimaan dan nilai tambah produk. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kelayakan usaha baik dari segi finansial dan non finansial, serta peningkatan nilai tambah produk. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis non finansial dan finansial menggunakan kriteria kelayakan investasi dan analisis switching value serta analisis nilai tambah metode Hayami . Hasil analisis aspek non finansial dinyatakan layak dijalankan. Secara aspek finansial, bisnis layak untuk dijalankan sesuai kriteria kelayakan usaha dengan bunga 3% bisnis ini memperoleh NPV positif sebesar Rp169.852.415, Net B/C bernilai 3,97, IRR sebesar 85,6%, Gross B/C sebesar 1,33 dan Payback Period selama 3,9 tahun. Analisis nilai pengganti menunjukkan usaha kerupuk susu sensitif terhadap penurunan harga jual dan kenaikan harga bahan baku. Nilai tambah produk kerupuk susu positif lebih dari nol dengan persentase 52% dinyatakan layak dijalankan.
KPS Cianjur Utara produces pure milk and milk containing antibiotics from the residue of treatment for inoculating diseases in cows. Milk containing antibiotics is processed into milk crackers to increase revenue and add value to the product. This research was conducted to analyze the feasibility of the business both from a financial and non-financial perspective, as well as increasing the added value of the product. The method used is non-financial and financial analysis using investment feasibility criteria and switching value analysis as well as the Hayami method of added value analysis. The results of the analysis of non-financial aspects were declared feasible. From a financial aspect, the business is feasible to run according to the business feasibility criteria with 3% interest. This business obtained a positive NPV of IDR 169,852,415, Net B/C of 3.97, IRR of 85.6%, Gross B/C of 1.33 and Payback Period of 3.9 years. Replacement value analysis shows that the milk cracker business is sensitive to decreasing selling prices and increasing raw material prices. The added value of positive milk cracker products is more than zero with a percentage of 52% deemed feasible.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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