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Title: Efektifitas Perbandingan Pengaplikasian Pupuk Urea Terhadap Bibit Kopi Arabika (Coffea arabica L.) di Kebun Java Coffe Estate PTPN XII Bondowoso Jawa Timur
Other Titles: Comparative Effectiveness of Urea Fertilizer Application on Arabica Coffee Seedlings (Coffea arabica L.) in the Java Coffee Estate Plantation of PTPN XII Bondowoso, East Java
Authors: Hariyadi
Ramadhan, Satrio Ridho
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: SATRIO RIDHO RAMADHAN. Efektifitas Perbandingan Pengaplikasian Pupuk Urea Terhadap Bibit Kopi (Coffea arabica L.) di Java Coffee Estate PTPN XII Bondowoso Jawa Timur Dibimbing oleh HARIYADI. Teknik atau cara pengaplikasian pupuk urea penting dilakukan karena akan berpengaruh kepada pertumbuhan tanaman. Perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan sedotan dan perlakuan tanpa alat. Pengamatan yang dilakukan berupa respon bibit setelah dilakukan pengaplikasian urea. Dengan 3 kali pengulangan untuk 2 perlakuan. Total bibit yang digunakan yaitu 900 bibit dengan 1 ulangan menggunakan 150 bibit. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah mengetahui Teknik pengaplikasian pupuk urea terhadap keberhasilan pemupukan dan menentukan cara pengaplikasian pemupukan yang efektif untuk mengurangi kematian bibit. Pengamatan yang dilakukan berlangsung selama 14 hari yang mana waktu tersebut cukup untuk melihat efek dari kematian dalam pengaplikasian pupuk urea. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan menggunakan sedotan berpengaruh dalam kesuksesan pemupukan dan mampu mengurangi kematian bibit kopi. Untuk Hasil persentase rata-rata yang didapat dari perlakuan sedotan dengan 3 ulangan terhadap angka bibit hidup yaitu 96%. Sedangkan pada perlakuan tanpa alat hasil rata-rata yang didapat dari 3 ulangan yaitu 86,23%. Hasil persentase tersebut bisa disimpulkan bahwa tingkat efektifitas hidup bibit lebih tinggi jika menggunakan perlakuan sedotan.
SATRIO RIDHO RAMADHAN. Comparative Effectiveness of Applying Urea Fertilizer to Coffee Seedlings (Coffea arabica L.) at the Java Coffe Estate, PT Perkebunan Nusantara XII, Bondowoso East Java. Supervised by HARIYADI. The technique or method of applying urea fertilizer is important because it will affect plant growth. The treatments used were using straws and treatments without tools. Observations made were in the form of seedling responses after urea application. With 3 repetitions for 2 treatments. The total seeds used were 900 seeds with 1 replication using 150 seeds. The aim of this research is to determine the technique of applying urea fertilizer to the success of fertilization and determine an effective method of applying fertilizer to reduce seedling death. The observations carried out lasted for 14 days, which was enough time to see the effects of death in the application of urea fertilizer. The results of the research showed that treatment using straws had an effect on the success of fertilization and was able to reduce the death of coffee seedlings. For the average percentage results obtained from the straw treatment with 3 replications on the number of living seedlings, namely 96%. While in the treatment without tools, the average results obtained from 3 replications were 86.23%. The percentage results can be concluded that the level of effectiveness of seedling life is higher if using straw treatment.
Appears in Collections:UT - Technology and Management of Plantation Production

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