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Title: Pengembangan Produk Pie Susu Kambing pada CV Wayang Dairy Farm Kabupaten Bandung
Other Titles: Product Development of Goat Milk Pie at CV Wayang Dairy Farm in Bandung Regency
Authors: Faturokhman, Muh.
Aprillya, Della Firly
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: CV Wayang Dairy Farm merupakan perusahaan peternakan kambing perah memiliki permasalahan adanya sisa susu yang berlebih akibat bertambahnya jumlah kambing yang laktasi sehingga menyebabkan penumpukan susu kambing. Cara penanganan susu kambing dapat dilakukan dengan diolah menjadi produk olahan makanan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis preferensi konsumen produk pie susu kambing, menganalisis nilai tambah, dan menganalisis kelayakan bisnis berdasarkan finansial dan non-finansial. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis konjoin, analisis nilai tambah, dan analisis kelayakan bisnis. Hasil dari analisis konjoin yaitu preferensi konsumen produk pie susu kambing dengan harga Rp28.000, varian rasa keju, kemasan sliding box, produk bersertifikasi halal, isi produk pie 6 pcs pie/box, dan tempat pembelian di Shopee dan Tiktok-shop. Hasil analisis nilai tambah pengolahan produk sebesar 48%. Hasil analisis finansial dikatakan layak yaitu NPV > Rp303.919.490, IRR > 30% Gross B/C > 1,11, Net B/C > 3, payback period < 4 tahun 2 bulan 4 hari. Hasil switching value batas maksimal penurunan volume produksi dan penurunan harga jual produk yang dapat ditoleransi yaitu 9,667% dan batas kenaikan harga telur 72,762%.
CV Wayang Dairy Farm is a goat farm company that focus on dairy product, that facing an issue of excess milk. Handling the excess of the surplus goat milk can be done by processing it into food products. The purpose of this study are to analyze consumer preferences, analyze added value, and analyze business feasibility financial and non-financial of goat milk pie products. The research methods used conjoint analysis, added value analysis, and business feasibility analysis. The results from conjoint analysis indicate consumer preferences for goat milk pie products with a price Rp28,000, cheese flavor, sliding box packaging, halal-certified products, 6 pieces pie of box, and purchasing on Shopee and Tiktok-shop. The added value of product processing is 48%. The financial analysis results indicate feasibility, with an NPV > Rp302,725,153, IRR > 30%, Gross B/C > 1.11, Net B/C > 3, payback period < 4 years 2 months 4 days. The switching value analysis tolerates a maximum change of 9,667% decrease in production and selling price and 72,742% increase in input price of eggs.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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