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Title: Kajian Bisnis Pupuk Organik Cair dari Limbah Cangkang Telur di CV Global Buwana Farm Kabupaten Bogor
Other Titles: Business Study of Liquid Organic Fertilizer from Eggshell Waste at CV Global Buwana Farm Bogor Regency
Authors: Faturokhman, Muh.
Rafli, Muhamad
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Limbah cangkang telur berasal dari peternakan ayam petelur, jika tidak ditangani dengan baik pengelolaan limbah cangkang telur dapat merusak ekosistem lingkungan. Adanya pengelolaan limbah cangkang telur yang baik dapat menghasilkan nilai tambah untuk perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis preferensi konsumen serta menganalisis kelayakan bisnis pembuatan pupuk organik cair dari segi aspek non finansial dan finansial. Penelitian dilakukan pada peternakan ayam ras petelur CV Global Buwana Farm, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis konjoin untuk menganalisis preferensi konsumen. Analisis kualitatif untuk menganalisis kelayakan non finansial. Analisis kuantitatif untuk menganalisis kriteria investasi dan switching value. Hasil dari analisis konjoin memperoleh konsumen menyukai pupuk organik cair dengan harga Rp35.000,00; kemasan botol agro; ukuran 1000ml; bersertifikasi SNI; formulasi khusus; dan desain menarik. Kelayakan non finansial dan finansial memperoleh bisnis layak untuk dijalankan, dibuktikan dengan NPV > 0 yaitu sebesar Rp120.413.913,00; Gross B/C > 1 sebesar 1,13%, Net B/C > 1 sebesar 3,81%; IRR > i sebesar 75%; dan PP < umur bisnis yaitu 3,14 tahun.
Eggshell waste comes from a layer chicken farm, if not handled properly eggshell waste management can damage the ecosystem of the environment. The existence of good eggshell waste management can generate added value for the company. This study aims to analyze consumer preferences and analyze the business feasibility of making liquid organic fertilizer in terms of non-financial and financial aspects. The research was conducted at CV Global Buwana Farm, Bogor Regency, West Java. The analytical method used was conjoin analysis to analyze consumer preferences. Qualitative analysis to analyze non-financial feasibility. Quantitative analysis to analyze investment criteria and switching value. The results of the conjoint analysis show that consumers prefer liquid organic fertilizer priced at Rp35,000.00; packaged in an agro bottle; with a size of 1000ml; certified by SNI; having a special formulation; and featuring an attractive design. The results of the non-financial feasibility and financial feasibility analysis obtained a feasible business to be operated, as evidenced by NPV > 0, which is Rp120,413,913.00; Gross B/C > 1 at 1.13%, Net B/C > 1 at 3.81%; IRR > i at 75%; and PP < business life, which is 3.14 years.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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