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dc.contributor.advisorMuliasari, Ade Astri-
dc.contributor.authorPAMUNGKAS, AKBAR HARRIS-
dc.description.abstractABSTRAK Tenaga kerja pemanenan kopi adalah tenaga yang terlibat dalam proses kegiatan memanen buah kopi dari pohon. Secara umum, tugas dari pemanen kopi yaitu memetik buah kopi sesuai kriteria dan mengumpulkan buah kopi yang telah dipetik ke dalam wadah keranjang untuk selanjutnya diproses lebih lanjut. Pekerjaan sebagai tenaga kerja panen kopi dilakukan secara manual dan memiliki keahlian khusus dalam kegiatan pemanenan sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kualitas buah yang dipetik. Penelitian terkait analisis diferensiasi gender dalam praktik pemanenan kopi robusta di kebun malangsari bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh gender terhadap kualitas pemanenan di Kebun Malangsari. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pengumpulan data berupa identifikasi data pekerja yang dibuat dalam bentuk kuisioner, data time motion, sortasi buah, dan hasil panen antara lakilaki dan perempuan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, didapatkan pekerja pemanenan kopi memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup terhadap budidaya tanaman kopi. Waktu pemanen laki-laki memiliki kecepatan lebih baik dibandingkan wanita yaitu sebesar 8 menit 17 detik dibandingkan dengan 10 menit 10 detik. Hasil buah kopi pemanen perempuan yaitu 52,6 kg orang1 dibandingkan dengan laki-laki sebesar 30,0 kg orang. ABSTRACT Coffee harvesting laborers are individuals involved in the process of harvesting coffee cherries from the trees. Generally, the task of coffee harvesters is to pick coffee cherries according to specific criteria and gather the picked cherries into baskets or containers for further processing. The job of a coffee harvester is manual and requires specialized skills in harvesting activities, which can influence the quality of the harvested cherries. Research on gender differentiation in robusta coffee harvesting practices at Malangsari Estate aims to understand the influence of gender on harvesting quality at Malangsari Estate. This research was conducted using data collection methods such as questionnaire-based worker identification, time-motion data, cherry sorting, and harvest yield comparison between men and women. Based on the findings, coffee harvesting workers possess sufficient knowledge of coffee cultivation. Male harvesters demonstrate better speed, completing their work in 8 minutes 17 seconds compared to 10 minutes 10 seconds for women. The yield of coffee cherries harvested by women is 52.6 kg per person compared to 30.0 kg per person for men.-
dc.description.abstractCoffee harvesting laborers are individuals involved in the process of harvesting coffee cherries from the trees. Generally, the task of coffee harvesters is to pick coffee cherries according to specific criteria and gather the picked cherries into baskets or containers for further processing. The job of a coffee harvester is manual and requires specialized skills in harvesting activities, which can influence the quality of the harvested cherries. Research on gender differentiation in robusta coffee harvesting practices at Malangsari Estate aims to understand the influence of gender on harvesting quality at Malangsari Estate. This research was conducted using data collection methods such as questionnaire-based worker identification, time-motion data, cherry sorting, and harvest yield comparison between men and women. Based on the findings, coffee harvesting workers possess sufficient knowledge of coffee cultivation. Male harvesters demonstrate better speed, completing their work in 8 minutes 17 seconds compared to 10 minutes 10 seconds for women. The yield of coffee cherries harvested by women is 52.6 kg per person compared to 30.0 kg per person for men.-
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Diferensiasi Gender dalam Praktik Pemanenan Kopi Robusta : Studi Komparatif Pemanenan di Kebun Malangsariid
dc.title.alternativeGender Differentiation Analysis in Robusta Coffee Harvesting Practices : A Comparatif Study of Harvesting at Malangsari Plantation-
dc.typeTugas Akhir-
Appears in Collections:UT - Technology and Management of Plantation Production

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