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Title: Pendirian Unit Bisnis Produk Lobak Mustofa di Kopontren Alif (Al-Ittifaq) Kabupaten Bandung
Other Titles: Business Unit Establishment of Mustofa Radish Product at Kopontren Alif (Al-Ittifaq) Bandung Regency
Authors: Martawijaya, Elang Ilik
Yasmin, Syahrana Farah
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Lobak adalah tanaman hortikultura di Kopontren Alif yang memiliki harga jual rendah, terutama lobak grade C yang dijual ke pasar tradisional, sehingga penerimaan tidak maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan ide pengembangan bisnis dengan analisis SWOT, mengkaji perencanaan bisnis melalui Business Model Canvas (BMC), menganalisis nilai tambah dengan metode Hayami, dan menganalisis kelayakan finansial bisnis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengembangan bisnis dapat dilakukan melalui pendirian unit bisnis lobak mustofa. Perencanaan bisnis melalui BMC menunjukkan adanya nilai manfaat baru yang ditawarkan kepada konsumen serta diperoleh Kopontren Alif. Rasio nilai tambah yang diperoleh sebesar 40,78%. Analisis kelayakan bisnis menunjukkan nilai NPV sebesar Rp399.218.425, persentase IRR 115,35%, Net B/C sebesar 5,08, Gross B/C sebesar 1,34, dan payback period selama 1 tahun 10 bulan. Persentase switching value yang diperoleh yaitu penurunan harga jual dan volume produksi 26,64%, kenaikan harga lobak 391,63%, dan kenaikan harga cabai merah besar 331,53%.
Radish is a horticultural crop in Kopontren Alif that has a low selling price, especially grade C radish sold to traditional markets, so the revenue is not optimal. This study aims to formulate business development ideas with SWOT analysis, review business planning through Business Model Canvas (BMC), analyze added value with the Hayami method, and analyze the financial feasibility of the business. The results of the study indicate that business development can be carried out through the establishment of a mustofa radish business unit. Business planning through BMC shows that there is a new benefit value offered to consumers and obtained by Kopontren Alif. The value added ratio obtained was 40.78%. The business feasibility analysis shows an NPV value of IDR 399,218,425, an IRR percentage of 115.35%, a Net B/C of 5.08, a Gross B/C of 1.34, and a payback period of 1 year and 10 months. The percentage of switching value obtained is a decrease in selling price and production volume of 26.64%, an increase in the price of radish of 391.63%, and an increase in the price of large red chilies of 331.53%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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