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dc.contributor.advisorSiswandi, Riki
dc.contributor.advisorSoehartono, R. Harry
dc.contributor.authorPuspitasari, Dewinta Retno
dc.description.abstractIndeks kenyamanan sapi atau Cow Comfort Index (CCI) merupakan salah satu ukuran penunjuk tingkat kenyamanan sapi dengan melihat rasio hewan berbaring dibagi total jumlah hewan. Beberapa faktor yang dicurigai memiliki hubungan dengan tingkat CCI di antaranya Body Condition Score (BCS), kebersihan sapi, jenis alas kandang, serta kondisi kering/basah alas kandang. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan korelasi dari faktor-faktor tersebut terhadap CCI peternakan sapi potong yang ada di Lampung Tengah. Data diambil sebanyak dua kali (pagi dan siang hari) di 65 kandang peternakan sapi potong di Kecamatan Terbanggi Besar dan Kecamatan Way Pengubuan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Selanjutnya, data diolah menggunakan analisis korelasi Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa BCS, kebersihan sapi, dan alas kandang tidak kuat hubungannya terhadap tingkat kenyamanan sapi. Hasil yang signifikan hanya diperoleh dari pengamatan korelasi positif antara kondisi kering/basah alas kandang terhadap CCI. Tingkat kenyamanan sapi yang rendah pada peternakan sapi potong di Lampung Tengah mungkin dipengaruhi faktor lain seperti suhu dan kelembapan kandang serta status kesehatan sapi.
dc.description.abstractCow Comfort Index (CCI) is a measure of the level of comfort of cattle by looking at the ratio of lying animals to the total number of animals. Factors suspected to be related to the CCI level include Body Condition Score (BCS), cow cleanliness, type of bedding, and the dry/wet condition of the bedding. This study aimed to determine the correlation of these factors with the CCI in beef cow farms in Central Lampung. Data was collected twice (in the morning and afternoon) from 65 beef cattle farms in Terbanggi Besar and Way Pengubuan Districts, Central Lampung Regency. Subsequently, the data was analyzed using Spearman's correlation. The results showed that BCS, cow cleanliness, and bedding did not have a strong correlation on the CCI. Significant results were only obtained from observing a positive correlation between dry/wet conditions of cage bedding and CCI. The low CCI level on beef cattle farms in Central Lampung may be influenced by other factors such as temperature and humidity in the pen and the cows’ health status.
dc.description.sponsorshipMatching Fund Kedaireka TA. 2023
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Body Condition Score, Kebersihan, dan Alas Kandang terhadap Kenyamanan Sapi Potong di Lampung Tengahid
dc.title.alternativeThe Influence of Body Condition Score, Cleanliness, and Bedding on the Comfort of Beef Cattle in Central Lampung
dc.subject.keywordalas kandangid
dc.subject.keywordkebersihan sapiid
dc.subject.keywordsapi potongid
Appears in Collections:UT - Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology

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