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Title: Pewarnaan Peta Penyebaran Covid-19 Menggunakan Graf Berarah Fuzzy
Other Titles: Coloring Covid-19 Map Based on Fuzzy Directed Graph
Authors: Hanum, Farida
Supriyo, Prapto Tri
Yuliani, Novita
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pewarnaan graf merupakan salah satu aplikasi dalam teori graf dengan mewarnai verteks suatu graf dimana verteks yang adjacent diberi warna yang berbeda. Salah satu aplikasi pewarnaan graf adalah pewarnaan peta. Pada karya ilmiah ini dibahas pewarnaan peta kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia menggunakan graf berarah fuzzy. Tiap provinsi bertindak sebagai verteks dan sisi berarah yang terhubung antara dua verteks ada jika terdapat riwayat perjalanan antara satu provinsi ke provinsi lain. Pewarnaan graf berarah fuzzy mengikuti algoritma Mahapatra. Dari kajian ini ditunjukkan bahwa indeks kromatik dari hasil pewarnaan graf berarah fuzzy pada kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia terdiri dari dua warna dasar minimum yang dibutuhkan graf setelah seluruh verteks diwarnai dengan nilai minimum 1,463.
Graph coloring is one of the applications in graph theory by coloring the vertices of a graph where adjacent vertices are given different colors. One of the applications of graph coloring is map coloring. In this manuscript, the coloring of maps of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia using directed fuzzy graphs. Each province acts as a vertex and there exists a directed edge connected between two vertices if there is a history of travel between one province to another. The coloring of the directed fuzzy graph is based on Mahapatra's algorithm. This study shows that the chromatic index of the directed fuzzy graph coloring result in the case of COVID-19 in Indonesia consists of two minimum base colors required by the graph after all vertices are colored and the minimum value is 1,463.
Appears in Collections:UT - Mathematics

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