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Title: Estimasi Nilai Kerusakan dan Kerugian Bunga Rawa di Wana Wisata Ranca Upas, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat
Other Titles: Estimation of Damage and Loss Value of Swamp Flowers in Ranca Upas Tourism Area, Bandung Regency, West Java
Authors: Buitenzorgy, Meilanie
Zahra, Peni Aulia
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pada bulan Maret 2023, terjadi fenomena kerusakan bunga rawa di Ranca Upas yang disebabkan oleh aktivitas ratusan pengendara motor trail yang menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk (1) Menganalisis persepsi dan pengetahuan wisatawan mengenai bunga rawa di Ranca Upas, (2) Menganalisis perubahan tingkat kunjungan di Ranca Upas antara sebelum dengan sesudah terjadinya kerusakan, serta (3) Mengestimasi nilai kerusakan dan kerugian bunga rawa di Ranca Upas. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, skala likert, loss of earnings, dan benefit transfer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Mayoritas wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Ranca Upas mengetahui keberadaan dan kejadian kerusakan. Persepsi wisatawan adalah sangat setuju bahwa bunga rawa di Ranca Upas penting untuk dilindungi dan dilestarikan, penting terhadap minat berwisata, penting bagi daya tarik wisata, dan kondisinya sebaik sebelum terjadi insiden, (2) Kejadian kerusakan bunga rawa di Ranca Upas menyebabkan penurunan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan hanya selama 2 bulan masa pemulihan pasca kejadian kerusakan, (3) Nilai kerugian dan kerusakan bunga rawa yaitu sebesar Rp353.133.066,00.
In March 2023, there was a phenomenon of swamp flower damage in Ranca Upas caused by the activities of hundreds of dirt bike riders that causes negative impacts on the environment. Therefore, necessary to (1) Analyze tourism perceptions and knowledge about swamp flowers in Ranca Upas, (2) Analyze changes level of visitation in Ranca Upas between before and after the damage, and (3) Estimate the value of damage and loss of swamp flowers in Ranca Upas. The analysis methods used descriptive analysis, likert scale, loss of earnings, and benefit transfer. The results showed (1) The majority of tourists visiting Ranca Upas knew the existence and occurrence of damage. Tourist perceptions are strongly agree that swamp flowers in Ranca Upas are important to protect and preserve, important for tourism interest, important for tourist attraction, and the condition is as good as before the incident occurred (2) The incident of swamp flower damage in Ranca Upas caused a decrease in the number of tourist visits only during the 2 month recovery period after the damage incident, (3) The value of losses and damage to flowers amounted to Rp353.133.066,00.
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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