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dc.contributor.advisorHidayat, Aceng-
dc.contributor.advisorPramudita, Danang-
dc.contributor.authorSyifa, Mutiara-
dc.description.abstractPeningkatan pendapatan mendorong perubahan konsumsi pada sektor pangan yang berimplikasi pada peningkatan jumlah restoran. Hal ini memberikan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan karena timbulan sampah yang dihasilkan. Permasalahan tersebut dapat diatasi melalui Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (TPS 3R). TPS 3R memberikan banyak manfaat sehingga perlu dijaga keberlanjutannya. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian ini; (1) mengidentifikasi jumlah timbulan dan komposisi sampah restoran di TPS 3R Nakal Berbintang, (2) mengestimasi nilai manfaat langsung dari kegiatan pengolahan sampah restoran, (3) mengestimasi nilai manfaat tidak langsung dari kegiatan pengolahan sampah makanan restoran, dan (4) merumuskan strategi dalam pengelolaan sampah restoran di TPS 3R Nakal Berbintang. Hasil analisis dengan metode SNI menunjukkan timbulan sampah dari seluruh restoran mencapai 181,23 kg/hari dengan komposisi sampah tertinggi yaitu residu. Hasil analisis pendapatan menunjukkan nilai manfaat langsung pengelolaan sampah restoran sebesar -Rp88.496.941,00. Selain itu, hasil analisis nilai manfaat tidak langsung dengan metode IPCC menunjukkan reduksi emisi GRK pengolahan sampah makanan sebesar sebesar 1.662,58 kg CO2e/tahun dengan penghematan biaya lingkungan sebesar Rp49.878,00/tahun. Prioritas strategi pengelolaan sampah restoran dari hasil analisis SWOT serta QSPM yaitu edukasi dan pelatihan pengelola TPS 3R.-
dc.description.abstractIncreased income changes consumption in food sector which implies an increase the number of restaurants. This has negative impact on the environment due to waste generated. The problem can be solved through Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Waste Processing (TPS 3R). It provides many benefits so the continuity needs to be maintained. Based on this, the objectives of this research are; (1) to identify the amount of waste generation and composition of restaurant waste at TPS 3R Nakal Berbintang, (2) to estimate direct benefits of restaurant waste processing, (3) to estimate indirect benefits from restaurant food waste processing, and (4) to formulate strategy in managing restaurant waste. The results analysis using SNI method showed that waste generation from all restaurants reached 181,23 kg/day with the highest waste composition is residue. The income analysis result show the direct benefit is -IDR88.496.941,00. In addition, the results of indirect benefit analysis using IPCC method showed a reduction in food waste processing GHG emissions is 1.662,58 kg CO2e/year with environmental cost savings is IDR49.878,00/year. Prioritization of restaurant waste management strategy from SWOT and QSPM analysis result is education and training for TPS 3R managers.-
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleManfaat Ekonomi Sampah Restoran (Studi Kasus: TPS 3R Nakal Berbintang, Kabupaten Purwakarta)id
dc.title.alternativeEconomic Benefit of Restaurant Waste (Case Study: TPS 3R Nakal Berbintang, Purwakarta Regency)-
dc.subject.keywordemisi sampahid
dc.subject.keywordreduksi sampahid
dc.subject.keywordstrategi pengelolaan sampahid
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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