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dc.contributor.advisorArhatin, Risti Endriani
dc.contributor.advisorPanjaitan, James Parlindungan
dc.contributor.authorVebriani, Berliana Nur
dc.description.abstractMangrove merupakan salah satu ekosistem pesisir yang memiliki peranan penting untuk menjaga kestabilan garis pantai dan sebagai tempat habitat bagi biota laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran dan kerapatan mangrove di Desa Bedono, Kabupaten Demak menggunakan Sentinel-2A. Algoritma Maximum Likelihood digunakan untuk mengatahui sebaran mangrove di daerah penelitian. Analisis kerapatan mangrove dihasilkan menggunakan perbandingan hasil uji regresi linear terhadap 3 indeks vegetasi yang berbeda yaitu NDVI, EVI, dan mRE-SR. Klasifikasi mangrove menghasilkan 3 kerapatan yaitu mangrove rapat (20,96 ha), mangrove sedang (23,52 ha), dan mangrove jarang (6,70 ha). Luas total mangrove di Desa Bedono sebesar 51,18 ha. Uji akurasi menggunakan confusian matrix menghasilkan nilai sebesar 89,80% dan nilai kappa coefficient sebesar 0,69. Hasil uji regresi linear sederhana antara data tutupan kanopi mangrove berdasarkan survei lapang dengan EVI menghasilkan nilai koefisien korelasi (r) sebesar 0,85 dan koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,724.
dc.description.abstractMangrove is one of the coastal ecosystems that has an important role in coastal stability and as a habitat for marine life. The research aims to determine the distribution and density of mangroves in Bedono Village, Demak Regency, using Sentinel-2A. The Maximum Likelihood algorithm is used to identify mangrove spread in the research area. An analysis of the density of the mangrove was obtained using a linear regression test comparison of three different vegetation indices: NDVI, EVI, and mRE-SR. The classification of mangroves yields three densities: tight mangrove (20,96 ha), medium mangrove (23,52 ha), and rare mangrove (6,70 ha). The total mangrove area in Bedono Village is 51,18 ha. The accuracy test using the confusion matrix yielded a value of 89,80% and the kappa coefficient of 0,69. The result of a simple linear regression test between mangrove canopy cover data based on a field survey with EVI yielded a correlation coefficient value (r) of 0,85 and a determination factor (R2) of 0,724.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePemetaan Sebaran dan Kerapatan Mangrove Menggunakan Sentinel-2A di Desa Bedono, Kabupaten Demakid
dc.title.alternativeMapping of Mangrove Distribution and Density Using Sentinel-2A in Bedono Village, Demak Regency
dc.subject.keywordremote sensingid
Appears in Collections:UT - Marine Science And Technology

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