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dc.contributor.advisorMaharani, Maya Dewi Dyah-
dc.contributor.authorAtrista, Lauren-
dc.description.abstractSistem rantai pasok Prima Freshmart berfokus pada sistem hilir pemasaran. Masalah yang terjadi pada pemasaran produk ayam jantan diakibatkan karena penjualan yang belum optimal. Tujuan penelitian mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis kondisi rantai pasok komoditas ayam jantan dan lingkungan perusahaan, lalu merumuskan strategi operasional untuk mengatasi masalah rantai pasok perusahaan. Penelitian dilakukan Juli 2023 hingga April 2024 di Prima Freshmart Mayor Oking 2. Strategi operasional pemasaran dianalisis menggunakan bauran pemasaran, indikator kinerja pelayanan pelanggan dan dilanjutkan analisis lingkungan perusahaan yang dievaluasi menggunakan metode IFE EFE, SWOT dan QSPM. Aspek promosi dan kehandalan pada indikator kinerja pelayanan pelanggan memiliki nilai terendah. Perhitungan QSPM menghasilkan bobot terbesar (188,66) dipilih untuk meningkatkan promosi, memperkenalkan produk baru ayam jantan kepada konsumen guna meningkatkan kinerja rantai pasok dengan cara penjualan sugestif. Diterapkanya strategi operasional, terjadi peningkatan jumlah penjualan pada produk ayam jantan.-
dc.description.abstractPrima Freshmart supply chain system focuses on downstream marketing systems. Problems that occur in marketing rooster products are caused by sales that are not optimal. Research objective is to identify and analyze condition of rooster commodity supply chain and the company environment, then formulate an effective operational strategy company's supply chain problem. Research carried in July 2023 to April 2024 at Prima Freshmart Mayor Oking 2. Company designed a marketing operational strategy was analyzed using the marketing mix, customer service performance indicators and environmental analysis, which was evaluated using the IFE EFE, SWOT and QSPM method. Promotional and reliability in customer service performance indicators have the lowest values. QSPM resulted in the largest weight (188,66) being chosen to increase promotions, introduce new rooster products to consumers in order to improve supply chain performance by suggestive selling. With the implementation of operational strategies, there has been an increase in the number of sales of rooster products.-
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStrategi Operasional Rantai Pasok dan Pemasaran Pada Produk Ayam Jantan di Prima Freshmartid
dc.title.alternativeOperational Strategy of Supply Chain and Marketing of Rooster Products at Prima Freshmart-
dc.typeTugas Akhir-
dc.subject.keywordmarketing mixid
dc.subject.keywordSupply Chain Managementid
dc.subject.keywordMarketing Strategyid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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