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Title: Kreativitas Copywriter dalam Menyajikan Visualisasi Iklan di Batik Organik
Other Titles: The Creativity of Copywriter in Presenting Advertising Visualization in an Batik Organic
Authors: Sartika, Ika
Simatupang, Famelia Anindita
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Iklan video menjadi salah satu bauran komunikasi pemasaran yang dipilih oleh Batik Organik dalam mempromosikan produknya karena menggabungan antara media visual dan audio secara bersamaan. Tujuan dari laporan akhir adalah mengimplementasikan kreativitas copywriter dalam menyajikan visualisasi iklan di Batik Organik, serta mendeskripsikan peran copywriter dalam kolaborasi bersama tim produksi. Data yang diperoleh adalah primer dan sekunder. Proses pembuatan iklan di batik organik meliputi pra produksi, produksi, pasca produksi. Kreativitas copywriter dalam menyajikan visualisasi iklan melewati beberapa proses kreatif yaitu tahapan persiapan, inkubasi, iluminasi, dan verifikasi. Melalui proses kreatif, copywriter mendapatkan ide untuk menyajikan visualisasi yaitu dengan membuat naskah. Menulis naskah iklan memerlukan beberapa tahapan yaitu dengan menentukan ide, membuat basic story, membuat sinopsis, membuat treatment, dan terakhir membuat naskah atau skenario. Copywriter dalam proses produksi iklan pastinya melakukan kolaborasi bersama dengan tim produksi (produser, sutradara, kamerawan, dan talent) agar iklan dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan menghasilkan hasil yang optimal. Kata kunci: batik organik, copywriter, kreativitas, visualisasi iklan ABSTRACT FAMELIA ANINDITA SIMATUPANG. The Creativity Of Copywriter in Presenting Advertising Visualization in an Batik Organic. Supervised by IKA SARTIKA. ?Video advertising has become one of the marketing communication mixes chosen by Batik Organik in promoting its products because of the combination between visual and audio media simultaneously. The aim of the final report is to implement the creativity of the copywriter in presenting the advertising visualization in Batik Organik, as well as describing the role of the copy writer in collaboration with the production team. The data obtained was primary and secondary. The advertising process in organic batteries encompasses pre-production, production, postproduction. The creativity of copywriters in presenting advertising visualizations passes through several creative processes: preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification. Through the creative process, copywriters get the idea to present visualization by creating a script. Writing an advertisement script requires several stages, namely defining an idea, creating a basic story, making a synopsis, making treatment, and finally making a script or scenario. The copywriter in the advertising production process must collaborate with the production team (producer, director, cameraman, and talent) so that the advertisement can run smoothly and produce optimal results. Keyword: advertising visualization, copywriter, creativity, organic batic
Appears in Collections:UT - Digital Communication and Media

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