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Title: Teknik Cinematography dalam Pembuatan Video Company Profile PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 Cirebon
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Authors: Burhanuddin
Rahmawati, Alfi
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: TASYA MEGA TRIANI. Teknik Cinematography dalam Pembuatan Video Company Profile PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 Cirebon. Dibimbing oleh BURHANUDDIN dan ALFI RAHMAWATI. Perkembangan teknologi dapat mengubah cara informasi yang disampaikan kepada khalayak dengan media berbasis audio visual sebagai salah satu metode yang efektif. Multimedia memiliki peran penting dalam pembuatan company profile karena memungkinkan penyampaian informasi tentang perusahaan dengan cara yang lebih menarik dan interaktif. Pelindo Cirebon merupakan perusahaan BUMN yang bergerak dibidang jasa kepelabuhanan, tidak banyak yang tahu mengenai perusahaan ini sehingga pelindo cirebon ingin menghadirkan video company profile sebagai media penyampaian informasi mengenai gambaran umum perusahaan serta membangun persepsi publik secara luas. Penggunaan video yang menarik tidak hanya meningkatkan daya tarik pesan, tetapi juga menciptakan pengalaman yang lebih berkesan bagi khalayak. Sehingga proses pembuatan video company profile harus terencana dengan baik. Teknik cinematography yang digunakan ada empat aspek yakni, composition, angle shot, type shot dan continuity. Efektivitas keberhasilan video company profile di evaluasi melalui insight video company profile yang diunggah di instagram dan menurut pihak Pelindo Regional 2 Cirebon. Kata-kata kunci: Cinematography, Company Profile, Insight, Pelindo Cirebon
TASYA MEGA TRIANI. Cinematography Techniques in Making Company Profile Videos PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 2 Cirebon. Supervised by BURHANUDDIN and ALFI RAHMAWATI. Technological developments can change the way information is delivered to audiences with audio-visual based media as one of the effective methods. Multimedia has an important role in making company profiles because it allows the delivery of information about the company in a more interesting and interactive way. Pelindo Cirebon is a state-owned company engaged in port services, not many people know about this company so Pelindo Cirebon wants to present a company profile video as a medium for conveying information about the company's overview and building broad public perceptions. The use of attractive videos not only increases the attractiveness of the message, but also creates a more memorable experience for the audience. So the process of making a company profile video must be well planned. There are four aspects of cinematography techniques used, namely composition, angle shot, type shot and continuity. The effectiveness of the success of the company profile video is evaluated through insight into the company profile video uploaded on Instagram and according to Pelindo Regional 2 Cirebon. Keywords : Cinematography, Company Profile, Insight, Pelindo Cirebon
Appears in Collections:UT - Digital Communication and Media

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