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Title: Kesiapan Psikologis Masyarakat terhadap Perencanaan Ekowisata Desa di Kecamatan Wanadadi Kabupaten Banjarnegara
Other Titles: The Psychological Readiness of the Community for Village Ecotourism Planning in Wanadadi Subdistrict, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java Province
Authors: Rahayu, Kania Sofiantina
Batubara, Rima Pratiwi
Zahra, Sabila Nur
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kesiapan psikologis masyarakat desa memiliki peran penting untuk mengawali sebuah perencanaan ekowisata desa. Desa Tapen, Desa Wanakarsa, dan Desa Karangkemiri di Kecamatan Wanadadi memiliki beragam potensi sumber daya untuk mendukung adanya program ekowisata desa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi sumber daya wisata; tingkat kesiapan psikologis masyarakat pada rencana ekowisata desa; karakteristik, persepsi dan kesiapan masyarakat, serta rancangan program wisata. Tingkat kesiapan psikologis masyarakat diperoleh dengan metode wawancara 30 narasumber terkait kognisi, afeksi, konasi / behavioral yang dianalisis secara kualitatif menggunakan strategi SOAR. Penilaian persepsi dan kesiapan masyarakat diperoleh dengan menyebar kepada 100 responden masyarakat Desa Wanakarsa menggunakan metode Purposive Sampling dan pertanyaan tertutup yang dianalisis menggunakan skala 1-5. Ketiga desa di Kecamatan Wanadadi memiliki 68 potensi dengan 42 potensi sumber daya wisata unggulan berdasarkan penilaian asesor. Masyarakat yang memiliki kesiapan psikologis paling baik berada pada masyarakat Desa Wanakarsa sehingga program wisata dibuat untuk desa tersebut. Masyarakat Desa Wanakarsa menyatakan setuju dan siap untuk melakukan perencanaan ekowisata desa. Program ekowisata desa dirancang menjadi dua program yaitu program wisata harian WOW (Wonderland Of Wanakarsa) dan program wisata bermalam WaBCamp (Waduk Bliss Camping).
The psychological readiness of village communities plays an important role in initiating a village ecotourism planning. Tapen Village, Wanakarsa Village, and Karangkemiri Village in Wanadadi District have various resource potentials to support the village ecotourism program. The research aims to identify tourism resource potentials; the level of psychological readiness of the community for the village ecotourism plan; the characteristics, perceptions, and readiness of the community, as well as the design of the tourism program. The level of psychological readiness of the community was obtained through interviews with 30 informants regarding cognition, affection, and conation/behavioral aspects, which were qualitatively analyzed using the SOAR strategy. The assessment of community perceptions and readiness was obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents from Wanakarsa Village using the Purposive Sampling method and closed questions analyzed using a 1-5 scale. The three villages in Wanadadi District have 68 potential resources, with 42 being top tourism resource potentials based on assessor evaluations. The community with the best psychological readiness was found in Wanakarsa Village, so the tourism program was created for this village. The people of Wanakarsa Village agreed and were ready to undertake village ecotourism planning. The village ecotourism program is designed into two programs: the WOW (Wonderland Of Wanakarsa) daily tourism program and the WaBCamp (Waduk Bliss Camping) overnight tourism program.
Appears in Collections:UT - Ecotourism

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