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Title: Aktivitas Inhibisi a-Glukosidase dan Kadar Total Alkaloid Kasar Ekstrak Etanol Daun Surian (Toona sinensis) pada Variasi Umur Pohon
Other Titles: Inhibition Activity of a-Glucosidase and Total Alkaloid Content of Crude Ethanol Extract from Surian Leaves (Toona sinensis) Leaves at Various Tree Ages
Authors: Falah, Syamsul
Safithri, Mega
Almi, Azzumawardhani
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Daun surian (Toona sinensis) mengandung banyak senyawa fitokimia dengan aktivitas seperti antioksidan, antidiabetes, antihiperlipidemia, dan antikanker. Diabetes melitus merupakan gangguan metabolik kronis yang ditandai oleh tingginya kadar gula darah akibat masalah dalam produksi atau fungsi insulin. Prevalensi diabetes melitus pada tahun 2013 di seluruh dunia mencapai 8,4%. Alkaloid merupakan jenis senyawa organik yang mengandung nitrogen, seperti kafein. Kafein, yang ditemukan dalam berbagai jenis daun, memiliki sifat stimulan yang dikenal luas. Penelitian ini menguji aktivitas penghambatan a-Glukosidase dan kadar total alkaloid pada ekstrak etanol daun surian pada umur 11, 27, dan 34 tahun menggunakan pelarut etanol 30%, 70%, dan 96%. Hasilnya menunjukkan pengaruh pelarut dan umur pohon terhadap aktivitas penghambatan enzim aglukosidase dan kadar alkaloid. Aktivitas terbesar terjadi pada ekstrak etanol 96% dari daun surian umur 34 tahun, dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 7,3 µg/mL. Kadar alkaloid tertinggi juga ditemukan pada ekstrak etanol 96% dari daun surian umur pohon 34 tahun, sebesar 3,82%.
Surian leaves (Toona sinensis) contained numerous phytochemical compounds with activities such as antioxidant, antidiabetic, antihyperlipidemic, and anticancer. Diabetes mellitus was a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels due to issues with insulin production or function. The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus in 2013 reached 8,4%. Alkaloids were a type of organic compound containing nitrogen, such as caffeine. Caffeine, found in various types of leaves, was widely known for its stimulant properties. This study examined the a-glucosidase inhibitory activity and total alkaloid content in ethanolic extracts of surian leaves aged 11, 27, and 34 years using 30%, 70%, and 96% ethanol solvents. The results indicated the influence of solvent and tree age on a-glucosidase enzyme inhibition activity and alkaloid content. The greatest activity occurred in the 96% ethanol extract from 34-year-old surian leaves, with an IC50 value of 7,3 µg/mL. The highest alkaloid content was also found in the 96% ethanol extract from 34-year-old surian leaves, amounting to 3,82%.
Appears in Collections:UT - Biochemistry

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