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Title: Histopatologi Saluran Telinga Aanjing pada Kasus Otitis Eksterna
Other Titles: Ear Canal Histopathology of Dog with Otitis Externa
Authors: Juniantito, Vetnizah
Harlina, Eva
Fajriani, Nurul Putri
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Otitis eksterna adalah peradangan pada bagian telinga luar yang dapat ditemukan pada hewan kecil terutama anjing. Deskripsi morfopatologi otitis eksterna pada anjing belum banyak dipublikasikan di Indonesia. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengamati histopatologi saluran telinga dengan kasus otitis eksterna pada anjing. Sampel studi diambil dari kasus otitis eksterna pada seekor anjing ras campuran berumur 8 tahun yang memperlihatkan gejala telinga kanan yang berbau, dan terdapat benjolan pada saluran telinga luar bagian kanan berukuran
Otitis externa or external ear canal inflammation can affect small animals, particularly dogs. The pathomorphology of canine otitis externa is unpublished in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to examine the histology of the ear canal in dogs suffering from otitis externa. Tissue sample of this study was obtained from an 8-year-old mixed-breed dog with a stinky right ear and a bulge measuring less than 1 cm2. Biopsy procedure was performed to collect tissue samples from the ear canal masses. The biopsy samples were received for further histopathological assessment by the Division of Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at the IPB University. The biopsy tissue was fixed in 10% buffered neutral formalin (BNF), processed into paraffin blocks, sectioned at 5
Appears in Collections:UT - Animal Disease and Veterinary Health

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