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Title: Parameter Genetik Titer Newcastle Disease Pada Ayam IPB-D2 dan Ayam IPB-D3 Tanpa Vaksinasi
Other Titles: Genetic Parameters of Newcastle Disease Titer for IPB-D2 Chickens and IPB-D3 Chickens Unvaccinated
Authors: Darwati, Sri
Sumantri, Cece
Murtini, Sri
Ratnawati , Diana
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pengembangan ayam IPB-D2 dan ayam IPB-D3 merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan produktivitas ayam lokal. Salah satu kendala dalam pemeliharaan ayam adalah penyakit. Penyakit newcastle disease (ND) menyerang unggas pada semua umur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini menganalisis parameter genetik untuk sifat antibodi newcastle disease (ND). Pewarisan genetik yang dianalisis meliputi heritabilitas dan ripitabilitas. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Fakultas Peternakan IPB dan Laboratorium Virologi Sekolah Kedokteran Hewan Biomedis. Ternak yang digunakan 36 ayam IPB-D3 yang terdiri dari 9 jantan dan 27 betina dan 20 ayam IPB-D2 yang terdiri dari 7 pejantan dan 13 betina. Perbandingan perkawinan ayam IPB-D3 1:3 dan ayam IPB-D2 1:2. Pemeliharaan ayam dilakukan tanpa vaksinasi. Peubah yang diamati titer ND pada kuning telur, titer ND pada serum darah dan produktivitas ayam IPB-D2 dan ayam IPB-D3.Uji hemaglutinasi digunakan untuk mengukur titer ND pada serum darah dan kuning telur. Uji T untuk membandingkan dua kelompok rataan yang berbeda. Antibodi ND dalam serum darah dan kuning telur diuji dengan geometric mean titer log 2. Heritabilitas titer ND dianalisis dengan pola tersarang. Ripitabilitas diihitung dengan korelasi dalam kelas. Korelasi hubungan antar 2 peubah dengan korelasi pearson. Titer ND kuning telur ayam IPB-D2 lebih tinggi dibanding ayam IPB-D3. Persentase level protektif pada kuning telur ayam IPB-D2 lebih tinggi dibanding ayam IPB-D3. Heritabilitas titer ND serum darah pada ayam IPB-D2 lebih tinggi dibanding ayam IPB-D3. Ripitabilitas ayam IPB-D2 pada DOC hingga umur 2 minggu lebih tinggi pada ayam IPB-D2. Ripitabilitas titer ND umur 27 minggu tinggi pada ayam IPB-D3 dibanding ayam IPB-D2. Bobot telur ayam IPB-D3 lebih tinggi dibanding ayam IPB-D2. Fertilitas dan daya tetas ayam IPB-D3 lebih tinggi dibanding ayam IPB-D2. Pertambahan bobot badan ayam IPB-D3 lebih tinggi dibanding pertambahan bobot badan ayam IPB-D2 pada umur 0-2 minggu dan 4-8 minggu. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini heritabilitas titer ND pada serum darah ayam IPB-D2 dan ayam IPB-D3 kategori rendah hingga sedang. Ripitabilitas titer ND serum darah ayam IPB-D2 dan ayam IPB-D3 kategori sedang hingga tinggi.
The development of IPB-D2 chicken and IPB-D3 chicken is one way to increase the productivity of local chickens. One of the obstacles in raising chickens is disease. Newcastle disease (ND) attacks poultry at all ages. The objective of this study was to analyse genetic parameters for newcastle disease (ND) antibody traits. Genetic inheritance analysed included heritability and ripitability. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry of IPB and the Virology Laboratory of the School of Biomedical Veterinary Medicine. The animals used were 36 IPB-D3 chickens consisting of 9 males and 27 females and 20 IPB-D2 chickens consisting of 7 males and 13 females.The mating ratio of IPB-D3 chickens was 1:3 and IPB-D2 chickens was 1:2. The observed variables were ND titer in egg yolk, ND titer in blood serum and productivity of IPB-D2 chickens and IPB-D3 chickens. Haemagglutination test was used to measure ND titer in blood serum and egg yolk. T-test to compare two different groups of means. ND antibodies in blood serum and egg yolk were assayed by geometric mean titer log 2. Heritability of ND titer was analysed by nested patterns. Heritability was calculated by within-class correlation. Correlation between two variables was calculated by pearson correlation. The yolk ND titer of IPB-D2 chickens was higher than that of IPB-D3 chickens. The percentage of protective level in egg yolk of IPB-D2 chicken was higher than IPB-D3 chicken. Heritability of blood serum ND titer in IPB-D2 chicken was higher than IPB-D3 chicken. Heritability of IPB-D2 chickens at DOC to 2 weeks of age was higher in IPB-D2 chickens. The 27-week-old ND titer reproducibility was higher in IPB-D3 chickens than IPB-D2 chickens. Egg weight of IPB-D3 chickens was higher than IPB-D2 chickens. Fertility and hatchability of IPB-D3 chickens were higher than IPB-D2 chickens. Body weight gain of IPB-D3 chickens was higher than body weight gain of IPB-D2 chickens at 0-2 weeks and 4-8 weeks. The conclusion of this study was the heritability of blood serum of IPB-D2 chicken and IPB-D3 chicken in the low to medium category. Ripitability of blood serum of IPB-D2 chicken and IPB-D3 chicken is moderate to high category.
Appears in Collections:MT - Animal Science

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