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Title: Keanekaragaman Cendawan Endofit Kultivar Padi Lokal Siam 11 Kalimantan dan Respon Tumbuhnya pada Benih Padi
Other Titles: Endophytic Fungal Diversity of Local Rice and Their effects on Rice seedling Growth.
Authors: Nampiah
Junaedi, Ahmad
Listiyowati, Sri
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Cendawan endofit ialah cendawan yang hidup di dalam jaringan tanaman inang tanpa menyebabkan gejala penyakit. Cendawan endofit potensial sebagai pupuk hayati dan pengendali hayati tanaman, termasuk padi lokal, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman tanaman padi lokal yang ramah lingkungan. Padi lokal merupakan salah satu andalan karena cocok dengan kondisi lingkungan setempat. Namun, produktivitas padi lokal umumnya belum maksimal karena terkendala oleh kesuburan tanah. Produksi padi termasuk padi lokal masih bergantung pada pupuk anorganik. Pupuk anorganik yang digunakan terus menerus dapat mengubah struktur fisik dan kimia tanah yang menyebabkan tanah menjadi tidak subur. Oleh karena itu, perlu diterapkan suatu teknik budi daya padi spesifik yang berwawasan lingkungan dan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengisolasi dan menganalisis keragaman cendawan endofit padi lokal kultivar Siam 11 Kalimantan dan potensinya dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit tanaman inangnya. Isolasi cendawan dilakukan pada seluruh bagian tanaman padi Siam 11 Kalimantan, yaitu akar, pelepah, daun, gabah, biji pecah kulit, sekam, kecambah dan bibit dengan metode sterilisasi permukaan menggunakan NaOCl 1% dan dikulturkan pada media Potato sucrose Agar (PSA) yang mengandung kloramfenikol 500 mg L-1. Identifikasi cendawan menggunakan gabungan karakteristik morfologi dan molekuler. Keragaman cendawan endofit dihitung melalui indeks keragaman Shanon-Wiener. Cendawan endofit di analisis molekuler menggunakan sekuen rDNA dengan primer ITS1 dan ITS4 yang dilanjutkan dengan analisis filogenetik. Cendawan selanjutnya di uji kemampuannya dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit padi menggunakan filtrat. Kultur pengaruh filtrat cendawan endofit terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman padi diuji pada perkecambahan dan pertumbuhan benih padi. Filtrat cendawan endofit dari satu isolat terbaik dianalisis senyawa bioaktifnya menggunakan Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS). Data pertumbuhan tanaman padi dianalisis melalui Analisis Variance (ANOVA) menggunakan SAS 9.4. Perbedaan antar perlakuan dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey pada taraf kepercayaan 95% (p<0,05). Sebanyak 14 kelompok isolat cendawan endofit berhasil diisolasi. Berdasarkan pengamatan morfologi sebanyak 11 isolat memiliki konidia (bersporulasi), sedangkan 3 isolat lainnya tidak bersporulasi. Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi molekuler, keempat belas isolat tersebut terdiri atas tiga belas spesies yaitu Cladosporium oxysporum, C. coloradense, Fusarium keratoplasticum galur 1 dan 2, F. humuli, Penicillium brefeldianum, P. citrinum, Poaceascoma lochii, Pseudopestalotiopsis simitheae, Sarocladium oryzae, Simplicillium obclavatum, Talaromyces macrosporus, T. angelicus, dan T. pinophilus. Bagian tanaman dengan frekuensi kolonisasi cendawan endofit paling tinggi terdapat pada bagian daun, sebesar 11,67%, sedangkan frekuensi kolonisasinya paling rendah terdapat pada bagian sekam yaitu 2,78%. Cendawan Sarocladium oryzae paling sering ditemukan dengan frekuensi 6,39%, atau tingkat dominansi spesies paling tinggi (95,83 %), sedangkan cendawan F. keratoplasticum galur 1, F. humuli, dan T. pinophilus paling jarang ditemukan dengan frekuensi masing-masing sebesar 0,28 % atau dominansinya paling rendah (masing-masing 4,17 %). Keragaman cendawan endofit yang diperoleh berdasarkan analisis keragaman Shanon-Wiener termaksuk dalam kategori sedang yaitu 2,24. Hasil pengujian filtrat asal ke-13 medium kultur yang telah dipisahkan dari miselium terhadap pertumbuhan benih padi lokal umur 14 hari pada kondisi laboratorium, menunjukkan isolat F. keratoplasticum galur 1 memiliki potensi yang paling baik, yaitu menghasilkan nilai peningkatan tinggi tajuk 3,87 cm, panjang akar 3,14 cm, dan bobot kering akar 3,52 mg. Analisis melalui LC-MS dari ekstrak kasar asal filtrat tersebut menunjukkan terdapat lima senyawa yang diduga membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman padi, yaitu 2-C-methylerythritol 4-phosphate, asam sitrat, asam sitrakonat, asam DL-malat, dan D-sukrosa. Ekstrak kasar tersebut diperoleh menggunakan pelarut etil asetat. Kata kunci: dominansi spesies, ekstrak kasar, F. keratoplasticum, LC-MS, rDNA ITS 1 dan ITS 4
Endophytic fungi are fungi that live in plant tissue without causing disease symptoms. Endophytic fungi are microbes that have potential as biofertilizers and biocontrol agents of rice plants, including local rice, hence they can be used to increase the productivity of local rice plants in an environmentally friendly manner. This research aimed to isolate and identify the diversity of local rice endophytic fungi of the Siam 11 Kalimantan cultivar and their potential in increasing the growth of their host seedlings. Local rice is one of the mainstays because it is suitable for local environmental conditions. However, local rice productivity is generally not optimal because it is determined by soil fertility. Rice production, including local rice, still depends on inorganic fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers can change the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil, causing the soil to become infertile. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a specific rice cultivation technique that is environmentally friendly and sustainable. Isolation of the fungus was carried out on all parts of the Siam 11 Kalimantan rice plant, namely: roots, stems, leaves, spikelets, brown rice, husks, sprouts and seedlings using the surface sterilization method using NaOCl and cultured on Potato Sucrose Agar (PSA) containing chloramphenicol 500 mg L- 1. Identification of fungi used a combination of morphological and molecular characteristics. The diversity of endophytic fungi was calculated using the Shanon-Wiener diversity index. Endophytic fungi were subjected to molecular analysis using rDNA sequences with primers ITS1 and ITS4 followed by phylogenetic analysis. The effect of crude extract of endophytic fungi on rice plant growth was tested on germination and growth of rice seeds. Analysis of the best isolated bioactive compounds using Liquid Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS). Rice plant growth data were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using SAS 9.4. Differences between treatments were continued analyzed with the Tukey test at a confidence level of 5% (p<0.05). Based on morphological observations, 11 of the 14 isolates obtained had conidia, while the other 3 isolates did not sporulate. Based on the results of molecular identification, the fourteen isolates were Cladosporium oxysporum, C. coloradense, Fusarium keratoplasticum strain 1 and strain 2, F. humuli, Penicillium brefeldianum, P. citrinum, Poaceascoma lochii, Pseudopestalotiopsis simitheae, Sarocladium oryzae, Simplicillium obclavatum, Talaromyces macrosporus, T. angelicus, and T. pinophilus. The highest frequency of colonization by endophytic fungi was found in the leaves, reaching to 11,67%, while the lowest frequency of colonization was in the husk, amounting to 2,78%. The highest frequency of endophytic fungal diversity was Sarocladium oryzae at 6,39%, and the lowest was Fusarium keratoplasticum strain 1, F. humuli, and T. pinophilus, each at 0,28%. Sarocladium oryzae has a dominance level of 95,83%, and the lowest dominance is Fusarium keratoplasticum strain 1, F. humuli, and T. pinophilus, each 4,17%. The overall diversity of local rice endophytic fungi in Siam 11 Kalimantan was medium level with the value of 2,24. Among the fungal isolates, the F. keratoplasticum strain 1 showed to increase the growth of the Siam 11 Kalimantan cultivar rice plant through shoot elongation, and fresh and dry weights of the roots and shoots. LC-MS analysis of F. keratoplasticum strain 1 crude extract of the culture using ethyl acetate showed the presence of five compounds suspected of having the potential to increase plant growth. The compounds were 2-C-methylerythritol 4-phosphate, citric acid, citraconic acid, DL-malic acid, and D-sucrose. Key words: crude extract, F. keratoplasticum, LC-MS, rDNA ITS 1 and ITS 4, species dominance
Appears in Collections:MT - Mathematics and Natural Science

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