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Title: Identifikasi Karakteristik Morfo-Agronomi 48 Galur Inbrida Jagung (Zea mays L.)
Other Titles: Identification of Morpho-Agronomic Characteristics of 48 Inbred Lines of Maize (Zea mays L.)
Authors: Suwarno, Willy Bayuardi
Kusumo, Yudiwanti Wahyu Endro
Bayhaki, Maulana Farhan
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Pengembangan jagung sangat prospektif karena nilai multigunanya. Pemuliaan jagung merakit varietas hibrida merupakan upaya penting. Keragaman genetik dalam populasi jagung diperlukan untuk menyeleksi calon tetua hibrida. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari keragaman karakter morfologi dan agronomi serta mengidentifikasi galur jagung yang potensial sebagai tetua hibrida. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Leuwikopo, Dramaga, Bogor, pada September 2023 hingga Januari 2024 menggunakan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak augmented. Varietas pembanding meliputi BISI-18, JHG02, P21, P27, NK Perkasa, dan NK Sumo dengan enam ulangan, serta 48 genotipe yang diuji. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan genotipe jagung berpengaruh nyata pada hampir semua karakter kecuali anthesis silking interval. Perbedaan nilai tengah ditemukan pada sebagian besar karakter agronomi dan komponen hasil. Keragaman morfologi juga terlihat pada intensitas antosianin pada malai, rambut, dan akar penyangga, serta mengombaknya tepi helaian daun. Seleksi dapat dilakukan pada hampir seluruh karakter kuantitatif karena memiliki nilai heritabilitas arti luas yang tergolong tinggi. Terdapat tiga klaster utama berdasarkan fenotipe. Genotipe dalam klaster 1 seperti L15, NEI, M8, M9, L41s, P13, dan L42 berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai tetua hibrida. Korelasi kuat antara karakter agronomi dan komponen hasil belum ditemukan, korelasi didapati pada beberapa karakter seperti umur berbunga jantan dan betina, tinggi tanaman dan tinggi tongkol serta antar karakter lainnya.
The development of corn commodities is promising due to its multifunctional value. Corn breeding to develop hybrid varieties is an important effort. Genetic diversity in corn populations is needed as a source for hybrid breeding. This study aimed to elucidate genetic diversity based on morphological and agronomic characteristics of 48 inbred lines and identify potential lines. The research was conducted from September 2023 to January 2024 at Leuwikopo Experimental Station, Dramaga, Bogor, West Java. The experiment used an augmented randomized complete block design with six replications for the checks. Forty-eight inbred lines were evaluated along with six check varieties BISI-18, JHG02, P21, P27, NK Perkasa, and NK Sumo. The results showed that genotypes significantly influenced all observed traits except the anthesis silking interval. Differences in mean values were found in most agronomic traits and yield components. Morphological diversity was also observed in the intensity of anthocyanin on the tassels, silks, and brace roots, as well as the leaf edge pattern. Selection can be performed on almost all quantitative traits due to their high broad-sense heritability values. There are three main clusters based on phenotype. Genotypes in cluster 1 such as L15, NEI, M8, M9, L41s, P13, and L42 tended to be potential as hybrids’ parents due to their good per-se morpho-agronomic traits. There is no strong correlation between agronomic traits and yield, but correlations were observed among some traits such as male and female flowering time, plant height and ear height, as well as among other traits.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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