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Title: Evaluasi Pemberian Kombinasi Probiotik dalam Ransum terhadap Bobot Organ Dalam dan Saluran Pencernaan Ayam Broiler
Other Titles: Evaluation of Probiotic Combination Supplementation in the Diet on Giblet and Digestive Tract Weight of Broiler Chickens
Authors: Suci, Dwi Margi
Purnawan, Aulia Rahmawati
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pemberian kombinasi probiotik Lactococcus lactis dan Bacillus licheniformis dalam ransum terhadap bobot organ dalam dan saluran pencernaan ayam broiler. Percobaan ini menggunakan 300 ekor ayam broiler strain Cobb dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari P1 = Ransum dengan pemberian 0,1% plasebo CaCO3 (kontrol), P2 = Ransum dengan pemberian 0,1% kombinasi probiotik Lactococcus lactis dan Bacillus lichenimorfis populasi 105 CFU g-1 pakan, dan P3 = Ransum dengan pemberian 0,1% kombinasi probiotik Lactococcus lactis dan Bacillus lichenimorfis populasi 106 CFU g-1 pakan. Peubah yang diamati yaitu persentase bobot dan panjang relatif saluran pencernaan, bobot organ dalam, dan organ imunitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi probiotik Lactoccoccus lactis dan Bacillus licheniformis populasi 106 CFU g-1 dalam ransum berpengaruh nyata (P
This study aimed to evaluate the supplementation of a combination of Lactococcus lactis and Bacillus licheniformis probiotics in the diet on the weight of giblet and the digestive tract of broiler chickens. The experiment used 300 Cobb strain broiler chickens with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 3 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments consisted P1 Diet with 0.1% placebo CaCO3 (control), P2 Diet with 0.1% combination of Lactococcus lactis and Bacillus licheniformis probiotics at a population of 105 CFU g¹, and P3 = Diet with 0.1% combination of Lactococcus lactis and Bacillus licheniformis probiotics at a population of 106 CFU g¹. Variables observed were the percentage of the weight and relative length of the digestive tract, giblet and immune organs weight. The results showed that the combination of probiotics Lactococcus lactis and Bacillus licheniformis with a population of 10 CFU g¹ in diet significantly (P<0.05) decreased kidney weight and cecum relative length, increased bile and thymus weight. The combination of probiotics Lactococcus lactis and Bacillus licheniformis with a population of 10 CFU g¹ in diet significantly (P<0.05) increased the weight of jejunum and ileum due to improved nutrient absorption facilitated by probiotics in the digestive tract. The conclusion of this study is the supplementation of a combination of Lactococcus lactis and Bacillus licheniformis probiotics with a population of 10 CFU g¹ in diet can improve the function of internal organs and the digestive tract, and enhance the immune response of broiler chickens.
Appears in Collections:UT - Nutrition Science and Feed Technology

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