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dc.contributor.advisorTampubolon, Bahroin Idris
dc.contributor.authorPratama, Mohamad Wildan Baskara
dc.description.abstractGempa bumi di Kabupaten Cianjur menyebabkan kerusakan terhadap bangunan, aset fisik, dan kerugian finansial karena terhentinya aktivitas perekonomian. Penelitian terkait kerusakan dan kerugian ekonomi akibat gempa bumi pada UMK Kuliner masih minim. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi tingkat kerusakan aset fisik pelaku UMK Kuliner pasca gempa bumi, mengestimasi nilai kerusakan dan kerugian ekonomi pelaku UMK Kuliner, dan menganalisis strategi program pemulihan UMK Kuliner. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, tarif penyusutan garis lurus, Damage and Loss Assesment, Loss of Income, dan Content Analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mayoritas pelaku UMK Kuliner mengalami kerusakan kategori berat. Total kerugian yang dialami pelaku UMK Kuliner di Kecamatan Cugenang, Kabupaten Cianjur akibat gempa bumi sebesar Rp2.332.342.549 dengan nilai rata-rata kerusakan setiap responden Rp77.744.751. Nilai kehilangan pendapatan UMK Kuliner di Kecamatan Cugenang akibat gempa bumi sebesar Rp84.905.405 selama satu bulan dengan nilai rata-rata setiap responden Rp2.830.180/bulan. Bantuan dana, pembinaan dan pendampingan Pelaku UMK, serta bantuan bahan pokok dan logistik menjadi strategi pemulihan yang paling banyak diterapkan sebagai upaya pemulihan pasca gempa bumi.
dc.description.abstractThe earthquake in Cianjur Regency caused damage to buildings, physical assets and financial losses due to the cessation of economic activity. Research related to damage and economic losses due to the earthquake on Culinary MSEs is still minimal. The purpose of this study is to identify the level of damage to physical assets of Culinary MSEs after the earthquake, estimate the value of damage and economic losses of Culinary MSEs, and analyze the recovery program strategy of Culinary MSEs. This research uses descriptive methods, straight-line depreciation rates, Damage and Loss Assessment, Loss of Income, and Content Analysis. The results showed that the majority of Culinary MSEs suffered heavy category damage. The total loss experienced by culinary MSEs in Cugenang sub-district due to the earthquake amounted to Rp2,332,342,549 with an average value of damage per respondent amounted to Rp77,744,751. The value of lost income for culinary MSEs in Cugenang sub-district due to the earthquake amounted to Rp84,905,405 for one month with an average value for each respondent of Rp2,830,180/month. Funding assistance, coaching and mentoring for MSE actors, as well as basic material and logistical assistance are the recovery strategies most widely applied post-earthquake recovery efforts.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEstimasi Nilai Kerugian Ekonomi Pelaku UMK Kuliner Akibat Gempa Bumi Studi Kasus: Kecamatan Cugenangid
dc.title.alternativeEstimation of The Value of Economic Losses of Culinary MSE Due to Earthquakes Case Study: Cugenang Sub-district.
dc.subject.keywordcontent analysisid
Appears in Collections:UT - Resources and Environmental Economic

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