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Title: Implementasi Keseragaman Proses Pengujian Visual Produk Film Plastik BOPP Berbasis Pengembangan Aplikasi di PT XYZ
Other Titles: The Implementation of Uniformity in the Visual Testing Process of BOPP Plastic Film Products Based on Aplication Development at PT XYZ
Authors: Hidayat, Agung Prayudha
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Implementasi keseragaman proses pengujian visual produk film plastik BOPP Berbasis Pengembangan Aplikasi di PT XYZ adalah studi yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan keseragaman dalam proses pengujian visual terhadap kualitas produk film plastik di perusahaan. Berdasarkan data survei customer satisfication menunjukkan pengujian visual kualitas film plastik di PT XYZ kerap mengalami perbedaan persepsi yang dapat mempengaruhi konsistensi dan akurasi hasil pengujian. Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan analisis terhadap prosedur pengujian visual yang ada, identifikasi perbedaan-perbedaan dalam interpretasi kualitas produk, serta pembuatan aplikasi QAS Defect Reference menggunakan sofware glide yang jelas dan terstandarisasi untuk memastikan konsistensi acuan pengujian visual. Metode penelitian yang digunakan meliputi observasi langsung, studi literatur terkait proses pengujian visual, dan evaluasi kepuasan pengguna menggunakan metode PIECES framework. Implementasi aplikasi QAS Defect Reference diharapkan meningkatkan keseragaman proses pengujian visual produk film plastik BOPP di PT XYZ dan memberikan dampak positif bagi pengguna.
The implementation of uniformity in the visual testing process for BOPP plastic film products at PT XYZ is a study conducted to enhance consistency in the visual testing process for plastic film product quality within the company. Customer satisfaction survey data indicates that visual quality testing of plastic films at PT XYZ often experiences perceptual differences that can affect the consistency and accuracy of test results. In this research, an analysis of existing visual testing procedures was conducted, differences in product quality interpretation were identified, and a QAS Defect Reference application using clear and standardized Glide software was developed to ensure consistency in visual testing references. Research methods employed include direct observation, literature study related to visual testing processes, and user satisfaction evaluation using the PIECES Framework method. The implementation of the QAS Defect Reference application is expected to enhance the uniformity of the visual testing process for BOPP plastic film products at PT XYZ and provide positive impacts for users.
Appears in Collections:UT - Industrial Management

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