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dc.contributor.advisorEkasari, Julie-
dc.contributor.advisorSetiawati, Mia-
dc.contributor.authorKhinanti, Laras-
dc.description.abstractCitral merupakan senyawa bioaktif feed additive yang dapat meningkatkan pemanfaatan karbohidrat. Feed additive yang ditambahkan pada pakan dengan metode coating diduga akan berbeda dengan yang dicampurkan pada saat pembuatan pakan karena adanya risiko leaching. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh penambahan citral pada pakan secara coating dengan dosis yang berbeda terhadap kinerja pertumbuhan dan antioksidan ikan nila Oreochromis sp.. Penelitian terdiri atas empat perlakuan yaitu pakan tanpa tambahan citral (C0) sebagai kontrol negatif, pakan dengan dosis citral 100 mg kg-1 menggunakan metode repelleting (CR100) sebagai kontrol positif, serta pakan dengan dosis citral berbeda menggunakan metode coating yaitu 150 mg kg-1 (CC150), 200 mg kg-1 (CC200) dan 250 mg kg-1 (CC250). Ikan nila dengan bobot awal 1,96-
dc.description.abstractCitral is a bioactive feed additive compound that can improve carbohydrate utilization. Feed additives added to feed by coating method are expected to be different from those mixed during feed preparation due to the risk of leaching. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of adding citral to feed by coating with different doses on the growth and antioxidant performance of Oreochromis sp. tilapia. The study consisted of four treatments, namely feed without added citral (C0) as a negative control, feed with a dose of citral 100 mg kg-1 by repelleting method (CR100) as a positive control, and feed with different doses of citral by coating method, namely 150 mg kg-1 (CC150), 200 mg kg-1 (CC200) and 250 mg kg-1 (CC250). Tilapia with an initial weight of 1.96±0.00 g were reared in aquariums measuring 50 x 50 x 40 cm at a density of 15 fish per aquarium (200 fish/m3) for 60 days. The test feed was given with a frequency of three times a day at 08.00, 12.00 and 16.00 WIB at satiation. The results showed that the growth performance of tilapia given citral with both repelleting methods was better than feed without citral and with coating method. The CR100 positive control treatment produced the highest final biomass (Bt), final individual weight (Wt), specific growth rate (LPS), total feed consumption (JKP), protein efficiency ratio (REP), and protein retention (RP) and the lowest feed conversion ratio (RKP) than the citral treatment with the coating method at higher dose. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme in CR100 treatment also showed higher results than other treatments. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that tilapia with citral by repelleting method at a dose of 100 mg kg-1 feed (CR100) produced the best growth performance and SOD activity compared to the coating method at higher doses.-
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKinerja Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila Oreochromis sp. yang Diberi Pakan dengan Penambahan Citral Menggunakan Metode Coatingid
dc.title.alternativeGrowth Performance of Tilapia Oreochromis sp. Fed with Citral Addition by Coating Method-
dc.subject.keywordsuperoxide dismutaseid
Appears in Collections:UT - Aquaculture

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