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Title: Preferensi Konsumen terhadap Produk Kailan Crispy pada CV SOGA Farm Indonesia
Other Titles: Consumer Preferences for Kailan Crispy Products at CV SOGA Farm Indonesia
Authors: Dahri
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: CV SOGA Farm Indonesia menghadapi excess supply sayuran kailan setiap bulan, sehingga perusahaan mengembangkan bisnis kailan crispy. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk (1) menyusun rencana pengembangan bisnis kailan crispy berdasarkan aspek finansial dan non finansial, (2) mengidentifikasi karakteristik konsumen kailan crispy, (3) menganalisis preferensi konsumen kailan crispy. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu business plan dan model multiatribut fishbein yang melibatkan 60 responden. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa perencanaan bisnis kailan crispy dan preferensi konsumen terhadap kailan crispy. Rencana pengembangan bisnis kailan crispy layak dijalankan berdasarkan aspek finansial dan non finansial, dengan profit tahun pertama sebesar Rp8.457.633,33 dan tahun kedua sebesar Rp10.362.193,33; R/C ratio sebesar 1,35 pada tahun pertama dan 1,36 pada tahun kedua. Konsumen menyukai produk kailan crispy CV SOGA Farm Indonesia dengan total nilai Ao sebesar 272,04. Atribut kailan crispy yang paling dipertimbangkan konsumen dalam pembelian kailan crispy yaitu rasa dan kesesuaian harga dengan kualitas produk. Perusahaan dapat mengembangakan bisnis kailan crispy dengan meningkatkan kinerja atribut yang dianggap penting oleh konsumen.
CV SOGA Farm Indonesia faces an excess supply of kailan vegetables every month, prompting the company to develop a kailan crispy business. The objectives of this research are to (1) develop a kailan crispy business plan based on financial and non-financial aspects, (2) identify the characteristics of kailan crispy consumers, (3) analyze consumer preferences for kailan crispy. The methods used in this research include a business plan and the fishbein multi-attribute model involving 60 respondents. The results of this research include a business plan and consumer preferences for kailan crispy. The kailan crispy business development plan is feasible based on financial and non-financial aspects, with a profit of Rp8.457.633,33 in the first year and Rp10.362.193,33 in the second year; an R/C ratio of 1,35 in the first year and 1,36 in the second year. Consumers like CV SOGA Farm Indonesia's kailan crispy product well, with a total Ao value of 272,04. The most important attributes considered by consumers when purchasing kailan crispy are taste and the alignment of price with product quality. The company can develop the kailan crispy business by improving the performance of attributes deemed important by consumers.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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