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dc.contributor.advisorWana, Hermawan-
dc.contributor.authorNabilah, Dhaifa-
dc.description.abstractUnit bisnis frozen french fries memiliki peluang yang sangat besar untuk dikembangkan karena mampu memenuhi permintaan pelanggan, memberikan nilai tambah, meningkatkan pendapatan bagi perusahaan melalui pengembangan usaha serta mengoptimalkan penggunaan teknologi yang modern. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan finansial dan non finansial pada pendirian unit bisnis frozen french fries. Metode analisis kualitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal sehingga menghasilkan rumusan strategi yang diperoleh dari analisis SWOT. Analisis finansial mencakup kelayakan investasi (NPV, IRR, Net B/C, Gross B/C, Payback Periode), proyeksi laba rugi, nilai pengganti (switching value), dan uji-t berpasangan (paired sample t-test). Hasil NPV diperoleh sebesar Rp810.024.402,00, IRR sebesar 86 persen, Gross B/C 1,7 persen, Net B/C 6,7127, laba rugi sebesar Rp45.026.171,00 dan Payback Period sebesar 2 tahun 2 bulan yang menunjukkan bahwa unit bisnis frozen french fries layak dijalankan. Hasil dari analisis switching value menunjukkan bahwa PT Sayuran Siap Saji sensitif terhadap penurunan produksi dan peningkatan harga bahan baku. Hasil dari uji-t berpasangan adalah terdapat perbedaan antara omzet sebelum dan sesudah didirikannya unit bisnis frozen french fries.-
dc.description.abstractThe frozen french fries business unit has a huge opportunity to be developed because it is able to meet customer demand, provide added value, increase revenue for the company through business development and optimize the use of modern technology. This study aims to analyze the financial and non-financial feasibility of establishing a frozen french fries business unit. The qualitative analysis method is used to analyze the internal and external environment, resulting in the formulation of strategies obtained from SWOT analysis. Financial analysis includes investment feasibility (NPV, IRR, Net B/C, Gross B/C, Payback Period), profit and loss projection, switching value, and paired sample t-test. The NPV results obtained amounted to Rp810.024.402,00, IRR of 86 percent, Gross B/C of 1,7 percent, Net B/C of 6,7127, profit and loss of Rp45.026.171,00 and Payback Period of 2 years and 2 months which shows that the frozen french fries business unit is feasible. The results of the switching value analysis show that PT Sayuran Siap Saji is sensitive to a decrease in production and an increase in raw material prices. The result of the paired t-test is that there is a difference between turnover before and after the establishment of the frozen french fries business unit.-
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePendirian Unit Bisnis Frozen French Fries pada PT Sayuran Siap Saji Kabupaten Bogorid
dc.typeTugas Akhir-
dc.subject.keywordfrozen french friesid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness Management

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