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Title: Analisis Keuntungan Usahatani Kentang Sistem Irigasi Sprinkler dan Permukaan di Kecamatan Pangalengan
Other Titles: Potato Farm Profit Analysis Irrigation System of Sprinkler and Surface in Pangalengan Subdistrict, Bandung
Authors: Muflikh, Yanti Nuraeni
Nurmalina, Rita
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Jawa Barat menempati posisi ketiga sentra produksi kentang terbanyak di Indonesia, Kecamatan Pangalengan di Kabupaten Bandung menyumbang produktivitas tertinggi terhadap produktivitas kentang di Jawa Barat. Harga yang diterima oleh petani sangat berfluktuatif dan berpengaruh terhadap keuntungan petani. Saat panen raya, ketersediaan kentang melimpah sehingga harga yang diterima petani kecil. Tetapi, saat musim kemarau ketersediaan terbatas dan harga lebih tinggi. Maka dari itu, perlu mengusahakan kentang pada musim kemarau dengan pemanfaatan irigasi yaitu irigasi sprinkler. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis struktur biaya, keuntungan, dan efisiensi dengan metode analisis keuntungan dan uji beda T-test. Keuntungan total dari usahatani kentang dengan irigasi sprinkler sebesar Rp56.587.381/0,5 ha/musim, angka ini lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan irigasi permukaan sebesar Rp27.735.855/0,5 ha/musim. Efisiensi rasio R/C biaya total irigasi sprinkler lebih besar yaitu 1,45 dibandingkan dengan irigasi permukaan yaitu 1,24. Terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan pada penerimaan, keuntungan, dan R/C total. Tetapi, tidak terdapat perbedaan pada biaya total.
West Java is the third position as the largest potato production center in Indonesia, Pangalengan Subsdistrict in Bandung Regency contributes the highest productivity to West Java’s potato productivity. Prices received by farmers are highly fluctuating and influence farmers profits. During the peak harvest season, the avaibility of potatoes is abundant, resulting in low prices for farmers. However, during the dry season, availability is limited and prices are higher. Therefore, it is necessary to cultivate potatoes in the dry season by utilizing irrigation, namely sprinkler irrigation. This study aims to analyze the cost structure, profit, and efficiensy using the profit analysis method and T-test. The total sprinkler irrigation amounted to Rp56.587.381/0,5ha/season, this figure is higher than that of surface irrigation of Rp 27.735.855/0,5ha/season. The efficiency of the R/C ratio of the total cost of sprinkler irrigation potato farming is greater at 1,45 compaed to surface irrigation at 1,24. There were significant differences in revenue, profit, nad total R/C. However, there was non difference in total cost.
Appears in Collections:UT - Agribusiness

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