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Title: Performa Ayam Layer Fase Grower pada Tingkatan Cages Berbeda di Kandang Closed House PT. Talenggak Jaya Farm
Other Titles: Performance of Grower Phase Layer Chickens at Different Cage Levels in Closed House System of PT. Talenggak Jaya Farm
Authors: Budiono, Dwi
Mahira, Tsania
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Peternakan ayam layer di Indonesia belum banyak menggunakan sistem kandang closed house sehigga perlu mengetahui performa ayam layer fase grower yang dipelihara menggunakan cages bertingkat. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk membandingkan performa ayam layer fase grower terhadap tingkatan cages berbeda di kandang closed house PT. Talenggak Jaya Farm. Data diperoleh dari pengambilan sampel pengukuran bobot badan, pengukuran dewasa kelamin, perhitungan awal produksi telur, pengukuran intensitas cahaya dan kecepatan angin, serta wawancara dengan dokter hewan dan caretaker kandang. Hasil performa ayam pada bobot badan dan dewasa kelamin tidak berbeda nyata sedangkan performa ayam pada awal produksi telur berbeda nyata. Hasil mikroklimat yang berbeda nyata mempengaruhi awal produksi telur tetapi tidak mempengaruhi bobot badan dan dewasa kelamin. Tingkatan cages (tier) yang memiliki performa yang optimal terdapat pada T3.
Layer chicken farms in Indonesia have not used a closed house cage system so it is necessary to know the performance of grower phase layer chickens raised using tiered cages. The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of grower-phase layer chickens against different levels of cages in the closed house cage of PT Talenggak Jaya Farm. Data were obtained from sampling body weight measurements, sex maturity measurements, calculation of early egg production, measurement of light intensity and wind speed, and interviews with veterinarians and caretakers. The results of chicken performance in body weight and sex maturity were not significantly different while chicken performance in early egg production was significantly different. The results of significantly different microclimate affected early egg production but did not affect body weight and sex maturity. The tier of cages (tier) that has optimal performance is T3.
Appears in Collections:UT - Veterinary Paramedic

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