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Title: Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Defect Lampu LED Bulb Menggunakan Metode FMEA dan Quality Loss Function di PT Honoris Industry
Other Titles: Quality Control of LED Bulb Product Defects Using FMEA Method and Quality Loss Function at PT Honoris Industry
Authors: Santosa, Sesar Husen
Muhatada, Fizlan
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: FIZLAN MUHATADA. Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Defect Lampu LED Bulb Menggunakan Metode FMEA dan Quality Loss Function di PT Honoris Industry.Dibimbing oleh SESAR HUSEN SANTOSA. Kerugian yang signifikan yang disebabkan oleh defect produk Lampu LED Bulb di PT Honoris Industry. Masalah ini disebabkan oleh metode pengendalian kualitas yang tidak terkontrol, yang menyebabkan proses produksi terhenti dan menimbulkan kerugian bagi perusahaan. Dengan tujuan untuk mengatasi masalah ini, peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan proyek akhir yang fokus pada pengendalian kualitas produk defect menggunakan metode FMEA dan Quality Loss Function melalui A3 Report. Identifikasi masalah, problem statement, root cause analysis, kontrol perbaikan, dan penetapan target capaian menjadi fokus utama dalam tahap ini. Selain itu, penerapan A3 report diusulkan sebagai alat kontrol yang efektif untuk mengidentifikasi masalah dan mendorong tindakan perbaikan yang tepat. Melalui pendekatan PDSA dan penerapan metode seperti FMEA, Quality Loss Function, dan A3 report, peneliti bertujuan untuk memperbaiki proses pengendalian kualitas produk LED Bulb di PT Honoris Industry.
FIZLAN MUHATADA. Quality Control of LED Bulb Product Defects Using FMEA Method and Quality Loss Function at PT Honoris Industry. Supervised by SESAR HUSEN SANTOSA. Significant losses caused by LED Bulb product defects at PT Honoris Industry. This issue arises from uncontrol LED quality control methods, resulting in production halts and financial losses for the company. With the aim of addressing this issue, the researcher is interested in conducting a final project focusing on quality control of defective products using FMEA method and Quality Loss Function through A3 Report. Problem identification, problem statement, root cause analysis, improvement controls, and target setting are the main focus of this stage. Additionally, the implementation of A3 report is proposed as an effective control tool to identify issues and promote appropriate corrective actions. Through the PDSA approach and the implementation of methods such as FMEA, Quality Loss Function, and A3 report, the researcher aims to improve the quality control process of LED Bulb products at PT Honoris Industry.
Appears in Collections:UT - Industrial Management

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