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Title: Perdagangan Burung Melalui E-commerce di Indonesia
Other Titles: Bird Trade Via E-commerce in Indonesia
Authors: Mardiastuti, Ani
Kusrini, Mirza Dikari
Justryaningsih, Lena Luvitasari
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: IPB University
Abstract: Kemajuan teknologi mempermudah perdagangan satwa liar, termasuk burung. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi jenis burung yang diperdagangkan, mengkategorikan produk yang dijual, kota dan kabupaten di Indonesia yang paling banyak menjual, serta menduga nilai ekonomi burung yang diperdagangkan secara daring melalui e-commerce. Pengumpulan data dilakukan selama 4 bulan melalui web scraping dengan mengumpulkan informasi seperti nama toko, barang yang dijual (perlengkapan, obat, awetan satwa, aksesoris, dan replika burung), asal, dan barang yang terjual. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat 411 jenis burung yang dijual dengan pembagian 211 jenis burung Indonesia dan 161 jenis burung asing di 32 daerah di Indonesia. Ordo Passeriformes menjadi jenis burung dominan dengan total penjualan 152 jenis burung endemik dan 69 jenis burung asing. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat 47 jenis burung dilindungi oleh permen LHK No. 106 Tahun 2018, 32 jenis burung masuk kategori IUCN (8 VU, 16 EN, dan 8 CR), serta 66 jenis burung masuk status konservasi CITES (12 App. I, 49 App. II, dan 5 App. III). Total ekonomi yang didapatkan adalah Rp2.079.824.611 dari tahun 2015 hingga 2023.
Technological advances make it easier to trade wild animals, including birds. This research identifies the types of birds traded, categorizes the products sold, the cities and districts in Indonesia that sell the most, and estimates the economic value of birds traded online through e-commerce. Data collection was carried out for 4 months via web scraping by collecting information such as shop name, goods sold (equipment, medicine, preserved animals, accessories, and bird replicas), origin, and goods sold. Based on the research results, there are 411 types of birds for sale, divided into 211 types of Indonesian birds and 161 types of foreign birds in 32 regions of Indonesia. The Passeriformes order is the dominant bird species, with total sales of 152 endemic bird species and 69 foreign bird species. The analysis results show that there are 47 bird species protected by LHK regulation no. 106 of 2018, 32 bird species are included in the IUCN category (8 VU, 16 EN, and 8 CR), and 66 bird species are included in CITES conservation status (12 App. I, 49 App. II, and 5 App. III). The total economic gain is IDR 2.079.824.611 from 2015 to 2023.
Appears in Collections:UT - Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism

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