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dc.contributor.advisorAgus, Syamsul Bahri
dc.contributor.authorPersada, Amanda Tri
dc.description.abstractKerentanan pantai mencerminkan ancaman terhadap wilayah pesisir karena faktor alam dan manusia yang berpotensi merusak warisan budaya pesisir. Informasi spasial terkait kerentanan pantai dan situs penting diteliti untuk mengurangi risiko terhadap potensi kerusakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan kerentanan pesisir dan situs di Belitung Timuinr. Metode yang digunakan adalah Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI), Shoreline Vulnerability (SV), dan Cultural Resource Vulnerability (CRV). Metode ini melibatkan observasi langsung dan analisis spasial dengan mempertimbangkan parameter fisik seperti geomorfologi, elevasi, pasang surut, tinggi gelombang, perubahan garis pantai, kenaikan permukaan air laut, slope, tutupan lahan, dan jarak ke garis pantai. Sebagian besar pantai dari Desa Mengkubang hingga Gantung memiliki tingkat kerentanan Pantai yang tinggi. Luasan wilayah dengan tingkat kerentanan Pantai rendah, tinggi, dan sangat tinggi berturut-turut adalah 1679 Ha, 2891.83 Ha, dan 1526.65 Ha. Evaluasi kerentanan situs menunjukkan bahwa 26.67% kilang minyak tergolong sangat rentan, 26.67% rentan tinggi, 20% rentan sedang, dan 26.67% rentan rendah.
dc.description.abstractCoastal vulnerability reflects threats to coastal areas due to natural and human factors that have the potential to damage coastal cultural heritage. Spatial information related to coastal and site vulnerability is important to research to reduce the risk of potential damage. This research aims to map the vulnerability of coastal and cultural sites in East Belitung. The methods used are the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI), Shoreline Vulnerability (SV), and Cultural Resource Vulnerability (CRV). The method involves direct observation and spatial analysis by considering geomorphology, elevation, tides, wave height, shoreline change, sea level rise, slope, land cover, and distance to the shoreline. Most of the coast from Mengkubang Village to Gantung has high vulnerability. The areas with low, high, and very high levels of coastal vulnerability are 1679 hectares, 2891.83 hectares, and 1526.65 hectares, respectively. The site vulnerability evaluation showed that 26.67% of the oil refineries were classified as highly vulnerable, 26.67% as highly vulnerable, 20% as moderately vulnerable, and 26.67% as low vulnerable.
dc.description.sponsorshipBadan Riset Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Kerentanan Pantai dan Situs di Belitung Timur terhadap Kenaikan Muka Lautid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of the Vulnerability of Beaches andSites in East Belitung to Sea Level Rise.
dc.subject.keywordCoastal Vulnerability Indexid
dc.subject.keywordCultural Resource Vulnerabilityid
dc.subject.keywordKerentanan Pantaiid
dc.subject.keywordKerentanan Situsid
Appears in Collections:UT - Marine Science And Technology

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