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dc.contributor.advisorRitonga, Arya Widura
dc.contributor.advisorKusumo, Yudiwanti Wahyu Endro
dc.contributor.authorSyifa, Layli Viola Syakira
dc.description.abstractJagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) atau sweet corn merupakan komoditas hortikultura yang banyak digemari. Perakitan varietas jagung manis ungu perlu terus dilakukan untuk mendukung peningkatan produktivitas jagung manis dan progam biofortifikasi pangan. Institut Pertanian Bogor memiliki beberapa galur hibrida jagung manis ungu yang belum diuji keunggulannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keunggulan calon varietas jagung manis ungu IPB. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Oktober-Januari di kebun Percobaan PKHT IPB Pasir Kuda. Penelitian terdiri atas 1 faktor yaitu genotipe (1 genotipe uji dan 3 varietas komersil). Penanaman menggunakan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak yang terdiri atas 4 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produktivitas genotipe uji JMU H1 IPB lebih rendah dibandingkan varietas pembanding. Padatan terlarut total genotipe uji setara dengan varietas pembanding potensial digunakan sebagai penciri utama genotipe JMU H1 IPB yaitu adanya antosianin yang kuat pada tulang daun, ruas batang, akar penyangga, selain dasar bunga jantan, pada rambut bunga betina, dan warna kelobot yang merah keunguan (N79 C).
dc.description.abstractSweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) is a popular horticultural commodity. The assembly of IPB purple sweet corn varieties needs to continue to support to increase sweet corn productivity and the food biofortification program. The Bogor Agricultural Institute has several hybrid lines of purple sweet corn which superiority character has not been tested. This research was aimed to determine the superiority of the candidate of IPB purple sweet corn variety. Observations were carried out in October-January at the PKHT IPB Pasir Kuda Experimental Garden. The research consisted of 1 factor, namely genotype (1 test genotype and 3 commercial varieties). The experimental design was arranged in randomized complete group design consisting of 4 replications. The results showed that the productivity of the JMU H1 IPB genotype was lower than the comparison variety. The sugar content of total soluble solids of JMU H1 IPB were equivalent than the comparison variety. Characters that have the potential to be used as the main characteristics of the JMU H1 IPB genotype are the presence of strong anthocyanins in the leaf veins, stem segments, supporting roots, apart from the base of the male flowers, the hairs of the female flowers, and the purplish red color of the husks (N79 C).
dc.description.sponsorshipKementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia yang telah mendanai penelitian ini melalui skema Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, tahun 2023 atas nama Arya Widura Ritonga no: 15821/IT3.D10/PT.01.02/P/T/2023.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEvaluasi Keragaan dan Daya Hasil Jagung Manis Ungu (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) Hibrida IPBid
dc.title.alternativePerformance Evaluation and Yield Power on the IPB Purple Hybrid Sweet Corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt).
dc.subject.keywordjagung manisid
dc.subject.keywordvarietas unggulid
Appears in Collections:UT - Agronomy and Horticulture

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